4. The Truth

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Sorry I post this for a long time because the chapter has been reset. So I have to retype all over again ._.
So, I've put one of the characters in this chapter.. Some of them will be later because I need to figure out when to put. ^•^
PS. The character request are now closed. >.>
Anyway, please vote, comment and enjoy~!
Help me reach to 1k?
Thank you and I love you readers! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Shizu :3
Summary of the previous chapter :
Yui went to Kagura's house and sleepover in there. At the noon, she's awake because of the noises downstairs so she went down and saw Kagura and her parents talking.
Chapter four : The Truth

~ Yui's P.O.V ~

"What happened?" I asked them.
They all looked so pale..
I wonder what are they talking about..
"Oh no, it's nothing. Just go to bed now dear or not you'll get dizzy for staying in here for too long." Kagura's mom said.
It's true that we're gonna get dizzy, but I'm still suspicious about them..
"Okay, Ma'am." I said and went back to Kagura's room.
~ Unknown's P.O.V ~
I saw Yui went away. Whew..
"Phew, good thing she went up already." I said in relief.
"Yeah, good thing I lied."
"Yup, or not we're doomed."
"Let's wait for awhile, and let the show begin.."
~ Yui's P.O.V ~
As I went into the room, my curiosity turns on.
What are they talking about?
Who's the last immortal princess?
Is it princess Ayano?
Why do they want her power?
Is she that special?
Out of sudden, my phone vibrated from my pocket. I opened and a text coming from Ayato.
"Don't go anywhere, just stay here. We're on our way now.."
"Okay." I replied.
Suddenly, there's a knocking sound.
"Please be fast!" I replied again.
I ran to the wardrobe and lock myself there.
"Yui.. Come here, don't be scared. We're not gonna hurt you.." Someone said.
I saw a shadow that the person is already in the room now. And now, it's coming towards me!!
I'm gonna die!
I don't want to die!!!
Wait-- I'm already dead..
Oh the irony !
I moved myself backward quietly as I can. Suddenly, I felt myself was about to fall and I did.
"Ouch.." I hold my head.
I opened my eyes and saw I'm in a dark room where there are only one light source in front of me, but far.
I followed the light and saw a door opened. I went there and saw a girl with medium black hair sitting down crying.
I approach to the girl, I sense that she is a dhampir. As I tried to touch her, something blocked me. An electric shock blocked me touching her.
"Why can't I touch you?" I asked her.
She looked to me, she has black eye colour. "It's because she block me from everyone who finds me.."
"Who's she?" I asked her.
"My mom." She muttered.
"Your mom?! Why is she doing this to you?!" I gasped.
"It's because she punished me for my dad's death and stepfather's divorce. Even though I didn't do anything to them." She sighed.
"For how long?"
"Three years."
I nodded.
I'm speechless. How can a mother abused her own child like this?! Locked up in her own house for three years!
"Can you go out?" I asked her.
She shook her head.
"Have you eaten anything?"
She shook her head.
"Wait-- I have a cake. You're a dhampir right? So you can eat human food right?"
"Here." I gave to her and smiled.
She took the cake and said "thank you."
"You're welcome." I smiled.
Wait-- just now I touched her hand right? And it's fine right? How come?
"Why just now she didn't block me from touching you?" I asked her.
"I don't know.. So it means you erased the spell!" She said happily.
"How'd you know?" I asked her.
"It's because no one can't touch me, only the special one can. That's what my mom said that time." She explained.
"I'm not special.. I'm just a girl who died and becomes a vampire.." I said.
"Really? Then I don't know why."
"So, if I can touch you, it means we can escape from here right?"
"Yeah, I tried but there's no way out." She sighed.
"Don't always think negatively. Maybe there is a way out."
Then we search around the room and didn't find any way out.
"Urgh.. I give up." I said.
"See, I told you in here don't have any way out.." She sighed.
"Anyway, what's your name?" I asked her.
"Sakura, Sakura Nozomi. What's yours?" She said.
"Yui, Yui Komori." I said.
"Nice name, your name match matches your personality.." She smiled.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yup." She smiled.
Suddenly my phone vibrated from my pocket. I took it out and saw an incoming call from Ayato.
I answered the phone.
"Hello, this is Yui Komori."
"Pancake, where the hell are you?!"
"Urgh.. I'm stuck in their secret passage. It's at the back of Kagura's wardrobe."
"Okay. We're already here. Look up."
Then I looked up and saw Ayato's face popping up from up there.
He hang up and shouted "Jump!"
"But I don't know how!" I shouted.
"Let me help you." Sakura said.
She carried me and flied towards that door.
Wait-- she has wings?! I thought dhampirs don't have..
"Why do you have wings?" I asked her.
"Because I'm a angel dhampir.. Half human half vampire and half angel. Or should I say I'm a dark angel.." She explained briefly.
Oh.. No wonder..
As we went inside the room. I thank Sakura and saw the Sakamaki brother's face were all so pale.
I looked to them and back to Sakura and to them again and back to Sakura again.
"What just happened?" I ask them.
"Sa-- sasa-- Sakura-- is that you s-- sa-- Sakura?" Kanato shuddered.
It's the first time I heard Kanato's voice shuddered.
"Yes, it's me. Sakura." She smiled.
"We thought you're dead already.." Laito said.
"I'm not dead, my mom locked me up for 3 years.. She didn't want me to go to your place that's why.. Also, she blamed me for dad's death and stepfather's divorce." She explained.
"Sakura.." Kanato went to Sakura and hugged her.
Sakura hugged back and said, "I miss you."
"I miss you too." Kanato said.
"Such a Fairytale happy ending." Laito said.
I nodded.
"Yup." Ayato-kun and I said in unison.
"Where's Shu and Reiji? I haven't saw them." I asked Ayato-kun.
"Probably they're inspecting this house.." He shrugged.
"Okay.." I said.
Suddenly I heard a door opened and saw Kagura in shocked.
"Sister?! Is that really you sis?!" She exclaimed.
"Yes, big sister." She smiled.
"I can't believe you're here! I thought you're dead." She cried.
"I'm not dead, mom locked me up." Sakura said.
"Mom locked you up for 3 freaking years?!" Kagura's anger got full. Her eyes got darker, her fangs got longer and sharper, her nails got longer too, her hair got longer and redder.
I felt her dark aura around her.
Sakura nodded.
"I'm gonna kill her!" Kagura went out.
"Me too!" Kanato said and went out.
"Since when did you have a older sister?" Subaru asked.
"She's not my biological sister. She's my step-sister." Sakura sighed.
"Oh.." Subaru said.
"Let's go down now." Laito said.
Then we all went downstairs. I heard Kagura's voice shouting.
"You!!! What kind of mother are you?!! Locked your daughter in a dark room without eating anything for three years?! You don't deserve to be a mother nor an angel!! You want to know why my dad divorce you?! It's because he saw you abusing Sakura all night long! He can't stand it and wants to bring her too but can't because she isn't his real daughter. He wanted me to go too but I want to be with my sister that's why I'm here. He said to me to take care of Sakura but then a week after you said she died. Also, the reason why she always go to the Sakamaki's household is because that's the only freedom place for her!" Kagura shouted.
"But you said you hate her last time." Sakura's mom said.
"I didn't mean that. And you don't deserve to have Yui's power! You don't deserve her royal blood! After all, you're just an thrown away angel! I'm going to kill you!!" Kagura shouted.
"Stop!!" Sakura interrupted.
"Why are you so kind to this woman?! She don't deserve to get some respect!" Kagura stated.
"But she still is my mother. I'll be sad if she dies.." Sakura cried.
"Sakura-chan.. I'm sorry for being a bad mother.." Her mom cried.
Sakura hugged her "It's okay, mom."
"Well well well.. The family is already complete.. Now let me eat you guys.." Kagura's fake dad turns out to be a scary creature with one red eye and gigantic foot.
"You tricked us!" Sakura's mom shriek.
"Hahahaha! I'm gonna eat you angels!!" the monster went to Sakura and her mom.
In one blinked the monster is slash into pieces and disappeared.
"This monster should not exist in here, in this world." a guy said.
He has crimson red eye just like me and a cropped blonde hair wearing a dark hoodie and pants. He is holding a crystal sword and has lots of tattoos in it.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I am.." He suddenly vanished.
What just happen?! He's gone already?! This is getting weirder and weirder.. I thought there only vampires in this world then angels then monsters then what else?! Wizards?! Werewolf?!
I got dizzy of these things and fainted.
Don't forget to vote guys!
More votes, more chapters to come! :D
Ily! :D
If you wanna ask something, just ask me on ask.fm . It's @shizu_31
- Shizu

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