7. Give him more reasons to kill you

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Lana's P.O.V.

It was understandable to say that the next day in school I fell asleep through almost the whole classes. I got caught like five times, so, that gives you an idea of how bad it really was. And to think I will have to repeat the whole routine today again, on top of having rehearsals too... only thinking about that made me exhausted.

Rehearsals was supposed to be on Monday yesterday, but, Ms. Leket has postponed it to today, at first I thought it's better because I knew yesterday that I will have to do house work and stuff, and I thought it'd be better not to overwork the first day, ironic, huh? Anyway, I was totally wrong, because today I'm already exhausted and my day is still so long.

Can't this week be over already?

Rehearsals were smooth, I stumbled over my words a few times, but I turned out fine, because none of the scenes I did today were with Jason, I performed one scene solo and one scene with Vanessa.

Ms. Leket was actually pretty good, she let us say our opinions about each other's performances and she allowed anyone to point out if there's a better way to say something or if there's better words; she let us criticize even her as long as the positive kind... she said some lame speech about us being one connected united team.

I was so glad that the rehearsals weren't tiring and actually ended rather quickly, just when I was getting ready to leave with everybody else, Ms. Leket stopped me and I automatically let out a groan, and then she stopped Jason too and I groaned again, loudly.

"Did you two work on your issues?" she asked us taking off her glasses revealing her green eyes that held nothing but concern.

"We tried..." I shrugged as Jason nodded.

She sighed, "May I ask what is your problem in the first place?"

We shared a disgusted look and looked back at the woman, "He's a jerk."

"And she is a bitch."

She groaned, "High school drama!" she rolled her eyes, "Have you ever watch any teenage movie?"

I nodded shrugging as Jason shook his head as if denying an accusation of murder; he so did!

"Well, it's always the same story to teenagers hating on each other, then when they finally give each other a chance they find out they like each other, and end up either as friends or as a couple."

"Ew!" I expressed my disgust at the horror story she just described.

"Yeah, that's more of a sci-fic movie." Jason stated.

"See? You're already agreeing on stuff." Ms. Leket said excitedly, "My point is, will you guys try to –at least- find something similar between you to get along?"

We both stared at her with blank faces not giving any answer; seriously, she didn't know what she's asking, I and Jason are just born to be enemies. And as much as I hoped to end this conversation, I wasn't going to give her a positive answer to have Jason saying no and then we'd start fighting again, no I could skip all of that and she'll give up eventually.

"Come on, guys! There must be at least one thing you two have in common."

"Oh, there's plenty." Jason said, "We hate each other, we both want this play," he listed as I nodded.

"We both would not miss a chance to annoy the hell out of one another." I continued.

"Mostly me but yes." Jason nodded.

"Aw, you are completing each other's sentences." Ms. Leket made a lame attempt that wouldn't work on kindergartners.

"Ms. Leket, I think you're wasting your time." I told her; honestly I was getting so tired and I wanted to go home to finish the long list of duties I have so I can sleep and wake up to repeat the same routine again. So fun!

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