Joining the decathlon team

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Turns out Tony just wanted me to move stuff around and packing up some of his labs along with some of the rooms where the Avengers used to live. 'I need your help' my ass.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I put down the thing I was holding, which I have no idea what it is, and took out my phone. My eyes widened when I saw that I was Ned asking me where I was. I forgot to text Peter and Ned saying that I couldn't make it.

Ned: Where are you? Are you still coming tonight?

(Y/N): I forgot to text you! I'm sorry my cousin is making me clean up stuff. It sucks :(

Ned: Aww now I have to wait for Peter to get home :(

Ned: He's not here. I'm so tempted to finished the Death Star myself if he's not back soon

(Y/n): I wish I can help you guys but my cousin would probably ground me or make me clean even more if I try and sneak out -_-

(Y/n): With that being said I'll see you at school?

Ned: See you tomorrow!

I turned off my phone with a sigh. I put it back in my pocket and went back to cleaning.

After a while of just putting things into boxes, I herd the doors to the lift open. "Friday, pause music." I herd Tonys's voice say as he walked up into the area that I was working in. "You're doing a good job." He said as he picked up one of the objects and then put it back where it was sitting.

"I still don't know why I'm doing this, but thanks." I said and turned around to look at him. He sighed and sat down on one of the couches that didn't have anything on it. He patted the set next to him, telling me to sit down.

I sighed and sat down with my arms crossed.

"Look, I know you don't really want to be here but I promised your parents if anything happened to them I would look after you." He said and ruffed my hair.

I gave him and glare and sighed. "I'm sorry that I'm being an ass, Tony. You probably know exactly what this feels like." I mumbled and he ruffled my hair again.

"Don't worry, I'll be here for you. Well most of the time." He said and then go up and started to walk away.

As he was about to disappear down the stairs once again he turned back to me and started to walk backwards. "Oh, I should tell you before I forget. I'll be in India for a while on a business trip. Happy will be here to make sure you behave and you'll have Friday to look after you. Also I think Pepper will be coming around sometimes, so you won't be alone." And with that he disappeared.

So much for being here for me.


As I was walking to school, one of the shops that I have walked past a couple of times, was cornered off by the police. I stopped and saw why. The whole place looked like a bomb went off, or like a very high powered laser went tough it with the scorch marks around the outside. As I stood there I herd two familiar voices near by. I turned to see Ned and Peter looking worried.

As I started to walk over to them I saw Ned turn his head to me and then elbowed Peter who then turned towards me and froze. "Do you know what happened?" I asked as I looked towards the building.

"Uh w-we don't know." Peter stuttered out. I looked to him and razed my eyebrow. I brushed it off and looked down at my watch. "We should get going if we don't want to be late for school. I'm sure the police can sort this out" I said and nudged Peter and started to walk in the direction of our school.

"Are you guys coming?" I said when I realized they weren't walking with me. They said one more thing to each other, then started to walk with me.

It was still a while before get to school, so we just started to talk about little things. "Have you though of any school activates that you want to do?" Peter said as we continued to walk to school.

"Not really. I did only just start two days ago." I said with a smile and bumped my shoulder with his.

"You should join our Academic Decathlon team! We're always looking for new members." Ned said as he started to walk backwards infront of us. "Yeah, it would be awesome if you joined. I mean, in class you sound pretty smart, uh I mean that you are..." Peter stuttered trying to find the right words to say.

"Hey, Peter it's fine. I think it would be awesome." I said with a smile and he smiled back and then looked down at the ground.


We finally walked though the school gates just as the bell rung. I looked quickly at my schedule on my phone and saw I had science. The three of us walked to class and sat in our seats. As the the tables only allowed to have two people sitting at them and since Ned and Peter where already lab partners, I sat two rows in front of them.

Which sucked, but it was only for one period.

After a very long period, Peter looked annoyed as he walked out of class. "Hey whats up with you?" I asked as I bumped his shoulder with mine. He looked up at me startled. "Uh Ned was just asking stupid questions. There's nothing wrong." He said with a forced smile.

I decided to change the topic knowing that Peter wouldn't want to talk about it. I tried to think of something to talk about when I remembered seeing Peter looking at one of the girl's that is in our class when ever I would turn around. "Hey, Peter who was that girl you kept looking at in class?" I asked.

"W-who?" Peter asked as he turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"You know who. The girl who seamed to answer every question." I said as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh she's uh she's someone that I sort of like." Peter said as he turned his face away from me. I saw a small hint of red on his cheeks. I felt a pang in my chest. I shouldn't be jealous of him liking someone else. We've only known each other for 3 days now.

I mentally shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and a smirk appeared on my face. "Aww dose Pete have a crush?" I said in a sing song voice.

Peter whipped his head around to me, his face bright red. "N-no."

"Your voice cracking tells me other wise." I said and turned to look at where I was going so I wouldn't walk into someone.

We didn't say anything else as we continued to walk down the busy hallway to talk to the teacher in charge of Midtown's decathlon team. "Hey, relax. I'm sure Mr Harrinton will allow you into the team." Peter said when he looked over to me when he saw that I was starting to fidget.

I sighed and looked at the doors to the class where Mr Harrinton would be. "Here goes nothing." I said as I knocked on the door and opened it to see him sitting at his desk. I shut the door behind me and he looked up.

"Ah, miss (l/n). Peter and Ned said that you would be coming to see me about joining the decathlon team. I think it would be wonderful for you to join. I'v seen you grades from your previous school and have a felling that you would fit in well with everyone." He said as he gave me smile.

I didn't know what to say. I gave him and a large smile. "Thank you sir."

"You should head to class. The bell's about to ring and you don't want to be late on your third day." He said and I nodded and walked out of the class with a smile on my face. "So, how did it go?" Peter said as we started to walk to gym together.

"I'm in the team!" I said as I moved my bag to sit on my shoulders properly. "I told you there was nothing to worry about." Peter said as he nudged my shoulder. I smiled up to him and then went our separate ways to get ready for P.E.

Its actually really hard to find screenshots for the movie as its still in theatres and not out on DVD yet, so I literally use what ever I can find XD Also I'm sorry if its really boring at the moment, this chapter is sort of a set up for later chapters, as you can probably tell what this part is setting up for :P

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