The Tale of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling

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Peter Pan's shadow hovered over Peter and Wendy. The nursery was lit by a single flame that swayed with a gentle breeze coming from the open window. 

"A kiss," Wendy whispered her face inches from Peter's. The thimble he had given her rested in her palm."A real one."

"Are you certain, Wendy?" Peter's eyes shone mischievously. The glint Wendy had fallen hopelessly in love with danced in his gaze.

Wendy nodded and tilted her head to the side. "I never want to grow up, Peter."

Peter Pan leaned into Wendy's ivory skin, bit carefully into her flesh and drew blood. When the girl nearly stepped over the threshold of life and death, Peter bit into his own wrist and offered it to his one and only.

The thimble rolled out of Wendy Darling's hand and stopped under the bed with its lace covers and frilly pillows.

The next morning John and Michael rushed into the nursery. They looked everywhere for their sister but she had already left with Peter, back to Neverland where she could remain a child forever.

 They looked everywhere for their sister but she had already left with Peter, back to Neverland where she could remain a child forever

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Challenge #2-Classic Vampires 

word count: 183 

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