Chapter One

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It's been three months since I got fired from my last job.

Mr. Adams, my ex-boss, said that I had such unique skills and incredible talent but they had to let me go. He explained that they're losing clients which means losing money. "Find a job that will never let go of you." - his final words before giving me my final salary. I loved that job so much, that it took me three months before having the spirit to start finding a new one.

I am a graphic designer at Arts Capital. I create layouts for magazines, design poster materials for advertisements, and make 3D videos for teasers for commercial events. Now, here I am in my best friend for three months enjoying my unemployed life, my bed; searching for job posts online. "Do you want a tea, sweetie?" Mom asked while standing beside the doorframe, still making the how-can-I-help-my-emo-unemployed-daughter face. "No thanks." I answer.

My eyes hurt. It's midnight and I'm still in front of my laptop, searching, wishing, hoping that somewhere in these job sites, there's a job that I would be happy to apply for. It's been 13 hours (I think) and still have no interest with these job posts. I give up, but not really giving up. I'm just tired maybe. I'm about to close my laptop when I notice that there's a new job post.


- ARTIST (Minimum 5 years of experience)

- Female

- Salary: 50,000 - 75,000

Holy cow?! I immediately click the apply button without thinking twice. I got hooked with the high salary. "Is this shit for real?" asking myself. I click on the employer's profile, it is anonymous. "No." I shut down my laptop and put it on my bedside table. "That shit isn't real. Just a scam." I had my hopes up. But now it slides downhill like a roller-coaster ride, dragging me down. Shit, here comes the drama again.

I feel my body shaking. My ears hurt from someone shouting. I open my eyes and see my mother yelling while waking me up. "Finally!" she sighs, "Your phone keeps on ringing. Answer it. Maybe it's really important from the other line." She hands me my phone, walks out, and closes the door behind her. It's 5:38 in the morning, and I already got 13 missed calls from this unknown number. I call it back, thinking it's something important. Because if an unknown number called for 3 times, it probably dialed the wrong number. But when you got 13 missed calls from the same unknown number, it means something urgent or important.

"Hello?" the Lady answers in another line.

"Hi, I'm Aia Gomez and sorry I wasn't able to answer your calls. May I know who's on the other line?" I hear that my voice is shaking while saying each syllables of every word.

"We're the anonymous company you applied for last night. Are you willing to go here for an interview?" I can hear hope on her voice, wishing I would say yes. So I answered her, "Yes. I am free for the day, Ma'am."

I hear her giggle for a second then answered, "That's good. I'll forward the address of our company to your number. Just wear casual attire and look for me, Pamela White. Thank you for returning the call, Ms. Gomez. See you later."

"Thanks, Ms. White." And she ends the call. I didn't wait for her text, I went straight to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I almost forgot the process of applying for jobs. It's been 7 years since I applied for my first job ever that gave me heart-breaking goodbye. And just like relationships, I am moving on. Although I'm still in the pace of trying to move on, I am moving forward because I have a job interview today.

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