Imagine ~ Mark

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Mark's POV

For the first time in a while I was finally able to go to school! But, it's not as fun as you think. Since I'm part of NCT so many people want to come up to me and say hi but are scared and pretty much just stare at me. I only have one friend but our friendship isn't to strong since I'm not always there.

I walked into my favorite class, Rap class, when I noticed there was a new girl sitting in the back. People were staring at her too and I decided to sit next to her. If you thought the whole class wasn't staring, now they definitely were. She's a foreigner you can tell, but being in the school she's in, she must know Korean. When I tried to talk to her the class began.

"Alright class, today we have a new student. Please stand and introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is ___, I love to rap and as you can see I can speak Korean pretty well. I hope to get to know you all."

I smiled and said "we're glad to meet you" like the rest of the students. Then the person next to me said under his breathe, "ha, like we're gonna get to know you." Since I'm not normally here I just brushed it off because Manager would get mad if I got into a fight.

She sat sat down and we began the class. Our teacher called up a few students to rap and then she called up me. "Mark, since your the only one in this class that has made it into a company show us what you got, and it can't be what you Rap in your songs." I rolled my eyes while everyone laughed because no matter what, everyone knows I'm pretty good at rapping.

After I rapped the teacher called up ___.  "Umm, this is a little embarrassing, I didn't think I'd be in this class. I kind of have Mark's rap from "The 7th Sense", I didn't have a class like this where I used to live so I'm not very good at writing my own lyrics yet. She rapped my part and it was amazing. I think I stared too much because close to the end she stopped. "I'm sorry I'm just really nervous." She smiled, bowed to the teacher, and sat down.

"That was amazing."

"Thanks, I thought you didn't like it since you kept staring at me."

"I kept staring at you because I loved it."

"Thanks! I'm a big fan by the way..." Ahh, no she's just another fangirl... "your rapping skills are amazing and having to be in 3 groups, wow that's impressive!" Oh, she doesn't just like my rapping but understands it's hard for me, I'm glad.

Class went on and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I grabbed my food and sat alone no one bothering me as usual, until I hear a loud crash.

I looked to where the sound came from and saw a group of girls crowding around ___. "Who do you think you are?! What your think you can kiss up to Mark and make him like you. It doesn't work that way everyone knows Mark would never fall for a girl like you. Your way too fat, too tall and your foreign. So why don't you go back to where you belong, alien!" That did it I began to get up when ___ shot back.

"I don't really care what you think. I might be a little fatter than you, but it's because I enjoy food. I'm not super tall, I'm 5'4, and oh I'm sorry for saying that because you probably don't know anything about measuring in feet. I'm not saying this to be rude, but you really think saying this will make you popular and pretty to Mark, he's a foreigner too. He may be korean but he was born in Canada, you know the state on top of the US. So shut up and I'll take that, enjoy being skinny" she grabs the girl's tray and walks over to an empty seat where she sits and eat.

I was amazed and didn't know what to say. I walked over to ___ and sat next to her.


"Aye, so you were here? Aigoo I'm so sorry for saying that about you."

"Saying what, the truth? Haha, I'm a foreigner too that's a fact."

"Oh, good."

I grabbed some of my food and put it on her tray. "Here, you can eat some of my food, Manager put me on a diet." "Thanks, am I really that fat compared to all these girls," she sighed and ate.

"I think your beautiful, your not fat. I, I was wondering if you'd want to get together after school and Rap together."

"Hmmm, is this a date or do you really need help with your rapping skills?"

I laughed, she's so cute, "how about both." I reached over and grabbed her arm, she was surprised and was nervous that teachers would see, and yes everyone fell silent by seeing this, but I didn't let go, "___ I can't wait to get to know you more. <3"


I hope this wasn't too fast, I'm trying to make them better but I promised to post one every day. Please continue to read them and I promise I'll make them better. Comment any requests on members or situations.

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