Happily ever after

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At lunch Sho and Naru went to the cafeteria to meet up with Aira. "Aira!" Naru called as Aira looked up. "Ah, Naru! Shou!" Aira waved. "Why did you guys suddenly transfer here?" Naru asked. "Its for a reality T.V show" Aira said. "Oh, I see, anyways you seem kinda down lately, is everything alright?" Shou asked. Naru glanced at Hiro but quickly turned back. "No! Everything is fine!" Naru laughed. "You know, nothing's going to get better if you keep it to yourself" Aira said "I mean if I kept my feelings to my self, I wouldn't be dating Shou" Shou smiled. "I guess so...wait how do you know what I'm thinking about?" Naru asked. "You're very easy to read" Aira and Shou laughed.

Ito and Ann came into the lunchroom to see Naru already sitting down with 2 others. "Hey Naru!" Ann said as she hugged Naru. "Oh! Hey Ann!" Naru greeted as Ito came over. "Who are your friends?" Ito asked. "Oh! This is Aira and Shou, They're filming a show!" Naru smiled "Woahh, that's so cool" Ann said in awe.

Everyone was laughing happily however on Hiro's side. Things were not looking to well. "You're so arrogant all the time! Has anyone every told you that?!" Bell yelled "Have anyone ever told you that you can't do anything yourself!" Hiro yelled back. Wakana and Itoha tried to stop the fight. "Please stop fighting" Itoha said "Shut up! all you do is follow Bell all the time" Hiro yelled. "Hey! Don't yell at my friend! We're done!" Bell yelled as she stormed off with Wakana and Itoha following behind her.

Hiro built up so much anger. He got up from the chair he was sitting on and kicked it to the ground causing a loud bang, everyone looked at him confused. He then left with his head down and hands in his pocket.

Naru was shocked. She never seen him like that before. Naru got up. "I'm going to go check on him" Naru said as she to has ran off. "Did we miss something?" Aira asked. Ann and Ito looked confused as well.

Naru quickly walked down the hallways looking for Hiro. "Hiro!" Naru quietly yelled. Of course she got no response. "If I was sad and lonely, where would I go?" Naru asked herself. "Oh! could he be..." Naru thought then ran off.

She ran outside and not far off. She saw a playground and someone sitting down on the sand under the jungle gym. "Hiro?" Naru asked. She went closer to see that it was Hiro. She sat down next to him. Naru not knowing what to say just sat in silence next to him. She heard a mumble come from him. "What did you say?" Naru asked as Hiro looked up to face her. His face looked like it just finished crying. "Why?" Hiro asked. "Why what?" Naru was beyond confused. "Why are you the only one who makes me feel this way?" Hiro asked a blush coming on to his face. "Huh?" At this point Naru was also blushing. "Look Naru, ever since that trip I never stopped thinking about you and its the first time I ever thought about someone like this" Hiro said as he took Naru's hand in his.

Naru was dense but not that dense to know what was going on. "Naru! what I'm trying to say is that I like you!" Hiro said as she blushed redder than a tomato. "Eh! But what about Bell?" Naru asked "We broke up. She kept talking bad things about you, I couldn't take it so we broke up" Hiro said. "So about what I was saying before. Will you go out with me?" Hiro asked. "I know its sudden bu-" Before Hiro could finish his sentence Naru hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll happily accept your offer" Naru said.

For once in Hiro's he finally understood how it really feels to be happy.


Shout out to priparaidol! Thanks for your support

Hate that I love you (Naru and Hiro)Where stories live. Discover now