Eighth confession

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Hey awesome readers! I know it's been a long time, but I've been dealing with a lot of personal BS. This is definitely not the end of the book yet. But I thought you guys deserve a nice and juicy chapter.


The first three days were calm and relaxing. We slept in a giant sleeping bag together under the stars, and I really appreciated his heat. I'm excited for what he had planned for this day. He woke me with a kiss on the forehead and a hot cup of tea. I smiled and sat up, taking my cup gratefully. I looked around and noticed the saddles were already on the horses. We must have to leave early. The morning light was just starting to take the stars away and I sat with my mug close to my chest, my lower half still tucked into the sleeping bag. I looked back to Carter who was already fully dressed in a pair of old jeans, his boots and a dark blue hoodie. He was cooking pancakes and sausage over a small fire.
I finished my cup of tea and crawled out of the sleeping bag to get dressed myself. I replaced my long sleeve with a thin tank top and my own hoodie. I pulled off my sweats and replaced those with a pair of jeans. I was shaking in my boots by the time I finished getting dressed. It was so cold. I hurried over to Carter and sat next to him, facing the fire. I held my hands out to the flames to warm them. I rubbed my warm hands on the thighs of my jeans in an attempt to warm up.
It was quiet until Carter handed me a paper plate and I took it gratefully. I took my time, letting the hot food warm my insides. When I finished I threw my plate into the fire and Carter followed. It was brighter now that the sun was finally breaching the horizon and Carter moved to put the fire out.
We made sure the horses were ready to go before we mounted and began the day's journey. We talked most of the ride there. Over the first three days we had gotten to know each other really well. Honestly, I am falling for him. I have never craved something like I do him. Not even sex.
"Carter, can I tell you something?" I kept my eyes on the animal trail we were following.
"Of course." I could tell in his voice that he was nervous. He had no reason to be.
"I think you were the medicine sent by the universe to heal my soul." I glanced over my shoulder at him.
"What do you mean?" I could hear his confusion but I didn't want him to make fun of me because I was being cheesy.
"I mean that I was sick. My mind was weak enough to become addicted to sex. I believe that you were sent to me by the universe to show me that I don't have to be sick anymore. To show me that my body isn't something be to played with. It is something to be appreciated. I am something to be appreciated. " It was silent for a few seconds. "But my mind keeps asking me why anyone would appreciate something so used." I looked down at my hands, half ashamed of how many men there have been, half ashamed that I let men use my body because I wanted to feel something. Although I never did.
"Think of it like this. A homeless man is on a corner somewhere, begging for money. Someone stops and gives him this 100 dollar bill. Although the bill had been passed through so many fingers he still appreciated that bill because it would take care of him." It did make sense but I'm still not getting the whole picture. "Now imagine I'm the homeless man and your the 100 dollar bill." I thought over his words, wondering how I could be something that he needed in his life. I was the one who needed him. "Except I would never give you up, and I won't just pass you off." I was glad Carter couldn't see my face, or the blush that occupied my cheeks.
I had no words to say to him. At this rate I was so ready to show him how I feel. I couldn't put it into words. All the while being too scared to make a move. My mind came back to reality at the sound of rushing water. I looked over my shoulder at Carter to confirmed my suspicions. When the ground finally leveled out, the waterfall came into view and it was beautiful. I let my horse walk down to the water and I got off, stretching my hips a bit, as the journey was long. I looked around in awe before I began to take my clothes off. I could hear Carter's sharp intake of breath when my tank top came over my head. I blushed as I wiggled my jeans down my legs.
Boy, let me tell you. When his hands slid around my waist it was instant goosebumps. Although his simple touch turned me on like no other, and I wanted nothing more than for him to fuck me, I took his hands from my waist and walked towards the water. It was so clear you couldn't even tell how deep it is. It was warmer than I expected it to be so I walked in up to my hips and dove in. When I came back up I looked towards the shore to see Carter staring at me in awe.
"Mallory. Please have sex with me." I smiled and showed him the 'come hither' finger. I have never seen a man undress so quickly in my life. He was in the water so quickly I blinked and missed his naked glory. He breached the surface right in front of me and didn't even take a breath before he started kissing me. When he finally pulled away he started pulling me toward the rocks beside the water fall. He helped me climb onto the rocks. I followed him along the cliff wall, and soon enough, behind the waterfall. The cave wasn't nearly as dark as I thought it would be; it wasn't nearly as small either.

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