Chapter Five

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I grinned at the Captain and turned to look at Master Orgill who was smiling widely at our threesome. "Great." He said. "We eat at the 5th bell. I just know that Katerina would be so very happy to finally have your over after all these years. We could make it a double celebration for both Dentrow's graduation and your return even if it's only for a few days."

The Captain nodded and headed back for the ship, Scar and I following behind. As we walked along the dock I was to excited about the dinner later tonight to notice all the strange stares from the people as we walked by them. I also didn't notice the little boy following behind us quietly. It was only when we finally got to the ship that my happiness over the dinner started to fade. I could see all of the crew had finished unloading the cargo and were standing around happily. Some of them were simply chatting and others were pulling the sails down from the masts, expecting a long stay. As the Captain approached everyone halted in their work to wait to hear what she had to say on the plans for the evening.

"Wha's the plan Cap'n?" Asked Seacat. "We stayin' 'ere for a couple nigh's or we leaving 'morrow?"

The whole crew watched the Captain as she looked over the ship. She ran her hands through her hair once or twice before replacing the bandanna she had removed at the customs house. She sighed and put her hands on her hips.

"Alright." She said seriously. "We'll stay here for 3 nights but you all have to promise to have one person on watch on the ship at all times till we leave. Got it?"

The whole crew cheered and headed below deck to change out of their clothes filled with sweat and into cleaner ones. I looked at Scar.

"We're in por' right? So why do we need a watch?" I asked confused.

"Just because we're in port doesn't mean that people won't try to harm the boat. I told you didn't I? Pirates aren't welcome here. They'll try to destroy our ship. So we keep a watch."

I nodded, that made sense. If someone I didn't like was staying on our ship I would do anything I could to get them to leave. The Captain stepped onto the gangplank, making her way up to the ship. Scar and I followed after her. Some of the crew trailed off to the town as the Captain made her way to the helm. She tapped me on the shoulder when I reached her and I looked up at her expectantly.

"I want you to go and find Cook and tell her that Master Orgill has invited her to dinner with us. She'll most likely make you change into that one dress she bought you at one of the islands last year. Tell her that I want you wearing your best pair of breaches and shirt. If she doesn't believe you just come get me or Scar and we can vouch for you. Do you think you can do that?"

I nodded and skipped down the stairs to the main deck and then to the stairs that led down to the lower parts of the ship. I found Cook standing in the galley, cleaning up from a quickly eaten breakfast and preparing for the later lunch. She looked up when I came walking into the room.

"What is it now Scurry?" She asked, looking back down at the stew that she was making. "You hungry for lunch already. Or were you simply disappointed with the negotiations. Was it not as interesting as you thought it would be?"

"We met Cap'n's father-in-law." I said, straight faced watching for any hint of recognition on Cook's face. She looked surprised for a minute and she wiped her hands on her apron.

"Master Orgill?" She asked. "You met Master Orgill? And what exactly did he say?"

"'E said we're invi'ed for dinner." I said. "Cap'n said tha' we're goin'. You, me, Scar and the Cap'n. 'Er brother's gonna be their la'er."

Cook stopped in her movements and looked at me in astonishment. "Are you sure that we all were invited for dinner?" She asked.

"I'm sure." I said. "'E called you Margaret." I said, pronouncing the foreign name with care so as to not butcher the name on my untrained tongue. Cook smiled and put a hand to her chest at the mention of that name.

The Ascension (Book One): Toss the DiceWhere stories live. Discover now