35. Plan A, B and C

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Sometimes life gives you lemons and you're forced to make lemonade. But not everyone likes lemonade, others like something a little sweeter so add a heaped teaspoon of sugar into the mix to lessen the sharpness. Tom was all the sweetness Kate needed in her life right now and then some. It wasn't until they had reached the point where they were forced to face the music of making their own lemonade did she realize how much she needed him in her life; to take that sharpness out of her life.

A month had passed since their weekend away and nothing much had changed; other than a dramatic alteration in climate maybe. The seasons seemed to come around so quickly these days and life was just as fleeting as ever. Kate was now swapping her sandals for high heels as she was attending more than one meeting a day for the latest installment of the next Loki film.
It was eight in the morning and she had just arrived on set with Tom who had driven them in. She had almost forgotten what it was like to have a lie in, in the mornings. Oh, how she just wanted to lay there and sleep until she wasn't tired anymore. She must have been staring off into nothingness for a while as Tom had turned the engine off and just as he was about to climb out of the driver's seat looked over at her. "Kate?"

Snapping out of her trance, she cleared her throat. "huh?" She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.
"Hey what's up hun?" Tom sat back looking a little concerned.
"Nothing nothing, just... I need to sleep for more than four hours." She laughed. Tom joined in and shut the car door. "I know. We only have a few more meetings and read-throughs to go and then we are free for a few weeks before filming starts." He took her hands in his and planted a few kisses on her skin. "And lots of lay-ins I can assure you." He winked at her and her face went a bright shade of pink. Luckily it was still dark out so she could maintain a little self-respect. With a last peck on the lips, he cleared his throat. "But now we have a meeting to get to."

Walking in hand in hand whilst walking through the security checks, they bumped into Gina for the billionth time this week. "Oh hello, you two. How're things?"
"Things are good thanks," Tom answered before Kate stopped yawning.

"Wow looks like someone is tired. And I've been meaning to ask," Gina lowered her voice to a tone only heard when about two centimeters away from a person. "How are you really. About what happened last month I mean. I didn't expect you hear very often I must admit." Kate looked straight at the floor and wanted out of the situation as soon as possible.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, will you excuse me? I need the bathroom before the meeting starts. See you in there."

"Sorry, Gina."
"Things are still rough huh." She picked her coffee up and took a sip.
"A little. But we are getting there. I know she moans about the early get ups but I know its helping get her mind off it. And we are starting to plan for the wedding next week so that's another distraction for her." Tom wore a faint smile on his face as though he were hurting but didn't want to show it.

"And how are you doing? As for Kate I will get Rachel onto that, she's great at making people feel better and as I understand it they're good friends. Tom nodded.
"I'm okay, tired but alright. I just think our relaxing weekend wasn't really relaxing. If anything it just added stress to the mix for the both of us. And we should be planning for the wedding but instead, we're worried about... well everything else." Gina looked quite overwhelmed. She wasn't used to her crew being so open with her let alone sharing such personal stories with her.

"Well, I don't usually do this but I should do it more often. I have a huge list of contacts that I could give you to help you with these things; wedding planners, therapists etc. Anything you need just give me the nod."
"Thank you. Honestly, I'd take anything right now that would make her happy." He looked over to where Kate was loitering; the temperamental coffee machine was just serving her a mediocre latte. Tom could tell that she was listening but didn't want to make eye contact with him. "And, you don't know anyone who tracks peoples lost pets do you? She lost her cat a few months ago now and I just know it would help her if she could have him back."

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