Chapter 2-The Damned Roommate

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Hell yeah an update!!! Hope you all enjoy it ❤

Disclaimer- Never have and never will own Naruto 😔


-Naruto POV-

I've finally figured out what might be more boring than studying. CAR RIDES.

They're fun if you have a bunch of people you like suffering with you, but I got NOBODY. Literally, it's just me and the driver and that's it!

I've started to count clouds in the sky like some weird day dreamer. Maybe I'll get lucky and die of boredom before I get to that stupid school. The old man really believes this school will be good for me. Pfft he's probably going senile.


Naruto grumpily walked out of his house, dragging a suitcase behind him. Hiruzen chuckled as he saw his pouting expression. "Now now Naruto, this won't be so terrible." He said trying to brighten his mood. Naruto instead deepend his pouty face and the old man sighed.

"Well Naruto it appears this will be the last we'll be seeing each other for awhile now." Hiruzen said with a small frown. No matter how big of a pain he may be, Hiruzen will miss him.

"We wouldn't have to be saying our goodbyes if you weren't sending me to this stupid school." Naruto muttered.

"Now come on Naruto, I promise this school is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you." Hiruzen said hoping the boy would end his complaining.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Naruto sighed. "So who's the head of this school anyways?" Naruto asked.

"Ah yes the head is a woman named Tsunade. She is a very intelligent and strong woman, in fact I was her teacher at one point. But, that was many years ago." He smiled remembering one of his favorite students.

"So what do I do when I get there?" Naruto scratched his head confused.

"Well, you'll want to go to the Tsunade's office and receive your class schedule. Then you'll have to acquire your room key." He answered with a sigh.

After Hiruzen explained what he was supposed to do the car arrived to pick up Naruto. They said their farewells and Naruto entered the car waving good bye to the town behind him.

-End of flashback-

I suddenly felt my self becoming sleepy. My eyes felt heavy and we're trying to shut themselves. That's what I get for staying up until 3:00 AM reading manga. A little bit of shut eye won't hurt.

"Hey driver dude! I'm gonna take a nap back here!" I told him as I got comfortable. Driver dude simply nodded his head and focused on the never ending road ahead.

I finally closed my eyes and let my mind drift off to Dream Land.

-Third POV-

Unfortunately for Naruto his nap only lasted for about ten minutes, until he was awoken by the sound of a car horn. He groggily opened his eyes and looked around and met the eyes of his annoyed driver.

"Oh hey driver dude wassup?" He asked rubbing his tired eyes.

"Oh nothing much, just that I've been yelling at you to wake up for the last two minutes!"

"Well why have you been yelling at me?" Naruto asked stupidly. The driver held back his urge face palm and growled.

"We have arrived at the University so get out of my goddamn car!!!" The man screamed throwing an empty water bottle at Naruto's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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