chapter two;

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The two had stood in the same position for a couple of minutes, calming themselves down, before Daisy suddenly gasped and turned around quickly.

"What?" Tommy asked, slightly panicked by her reaction towards seemingly nothing.

"The boat!" Daisy lifted her hand above her eyes blocking the sun, "It's leaving soon!" She had a clear view of the large, docked ship at the end of the Mole.

Tommy swallowed in apprehension, slightly uncomfortable with the fact that she would be able to leave this beach so soon while he would be stuck on it until his probable death.

"Do you know which regiments are being shipped?" He asked, hope in his voice that she would name his own but he was met with a pitiful shake of her head.

"I know they're accepting wounded men," she spoke hopefully as if that would help the boy in front of her at all.

He raised an eyebrow at her, slightly confused, "How do you know that?"

Instead of answering, she pointed down the beach. There was a line of jogging soldiers holding stretchers with moaning, bleeding men. The line led to the beginning of the Mole as the soldiers struggled to push through the crowd of men on the pier in hopes to get a ride home.

While Tommy watched the chaos erupting at the Mole, he began to form a plan in his mind. All he would need was a wounded soldier, a stretcher, and another soldier and he would be on the next boat to England.

Daisy watched beside him as his face morphed from a look of hopelessness to one of excitement and happiness. He reached for her arm again, grabbing her hand instead of her wrist this time.

"C'mon!" Without even glancing at her, he began to run towards the Mole, pulling her behind him. The soldiers they passed turned to watch them both with frowns on their faces causing Daisy to blush at all the attention they were drawing.

He slowed to a stop when he reached a cluster of fallen soldiers. There were two stretchers and six soldiers laying on the sand, two of them upon stretchers with wounds covering their bodies.

Tommy's face screwed up when he realized they weren't breathing. His plan wouldn't work with a dead soldier on the stretcher. Suddenly, one of the soldiers that laid on the stretchers coughed quietly, his chest falling up-and-down with shallow breaths. Tommy let a small victorious still grow on his face again. Now all he needed was a fellow soldier.

"What are you doing?" The soft voice made him jump slightly and he realized that he was still holding Daisy's hand. He let go quickly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment before scolding himself. You're on a battlefield, this isn't the time.

He cleared his throat, looking for somebody he knew amongst the crowd of similarly dressed men, "I'm getting on that boat."

One man, walking aimlessly along the beach, caught his eye. It was the curly-haired soldier that was burying his friend by one of the sand dunes. Tommy waved his arms at him, trying to gain his attention quickly. The soldier noticed him and sent him a look of confusion, his brows furrowing.

"C'mere!" Tommy yelled over to him causing the other soldier to cautiously jog towards the pair. He eyed the Daisy curiously before coming to a stop in front on the two.

Rather than speaking, he looked at Tommy inquisitively, the question clear in his eyes.

"You wanna go home?" Tommy asked him, nodding towards the Mole. The other soldier understood in an instant, bending down to pick up the back-end of the stretched while Tommy picked up the front-end.

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