chapter three;

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After a chaotic climb to the top of the Mole, the soaking group were made to wait around an hour until the next boat came. This would be a smaller boat, one that was able to dock even with the wreck of the previous ship underneath it. This smaller boat would transport them to a larger one, slightly visible in the distance.

Tommy shivered from the cold. Despite being surrounded by men on all sides, the air was still freezing.

He stood with his three new acquaintances, an unspoken bond being formed between them. The soldier from the water - Alex he had introduced himself as - decided to stick with them after Tommy had saved his life.

Alex had chosen to stick by Daisy's side as they waited for the boat, not speaking but relishing in her comforting company. Tommy decided to ignore the twisting feeling this caused in his gut. Not that he didn't blame Alex. Daisy's company was warm and understanding, something that was extremely rare in the midst of a war and if it were him, Tommy wouldn't leave her side either.

The smaller boat approached the Mole quickly, it's size allowing it to maneuver easier than the destroyers. As soon as it docked, the soldiers rushed forwards.

Daisy stumbled when a particularly large man slammed into her shoulder. She would have fallen straight to the ground if it weren't for Tommy quickly grabbing onto her forearm and stabilizing her.

It was too loud to thank the young soldier but she made sure to send a quick smile his way.

Eventually, it was their turn to board the boat and they all did so quickly, making sure to keep close together. It would be easy to lose each other in this chaos.

The boat was a lot smaller than the destroyers but so was the amount of the passengers. Still, they were cramped together, constantly touching and being squashed against the railing. Tommy had followed his friend who made sure they all stood by the edge of the boat for a quick escape if things went badly.

Luckily, it seemed there were no planes in the air at this time.

The smaller ship approached the destroyer, barely reaching halfway in height. They would have to climb at the netting that hung off the side of the larger ship. It would be difficult with everybody rushing to get on their first, especially for someone as small as Daisy.

Tommy glanced at her worryingly but she didn't seem to notice. Her eyes were stubbornly watching the approaching boat, prepared to go at a moments notice.

"How are you?" He asked he quietly in an attempt to draw no attention to them.

Daisy flinched slightly in surprise and turned away from the horizon, shifting her body so they were facing each other. He watched the ocean behind her, occasionally glancing at her quickly but never looking for too long. Daisy didn't know why he didn't hold eye contact for more than two seconds but she assumed he was just keeping an eye out for any danger.

"I'm..." She hesitated, trying to find the right words, "Coping," she decided to be truthful with him, "A little shaken up but I'll live," she gave him a tense smile which he returned with one of his own.

Alex glanced back, intrigued by their conversation but ultimately decided to give to leave them with no interruptions. 

Tommy nodded, distracted, "Good, good," he muttered.

The passenger ship pulled up, side-by-side with the destroyer. Instantly, there was a rush of people attempting to climb up the rope as quickly as they can. Daisy watched Alex hoist himself over the rail and begin hauling his body towards the deck of the ship.

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