~Gospel Truth pt1~

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Long ago, in a faraway land of ancient Atlea

There was a golden age of powerful gods

and extraordinary heroes

And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty Shiro

And what is the measure of a true hero?

Ah that is what our story is....

"Would you listen to him?" A voice calls out of nowhere startling the narrator's voice.

A statue of a long white haired woman came into view as she somehow became real.

There were 2 other statues that miraculously came to life by her side.

The white haired woman jutted out her hip as she crossed her dark arms in front of her chest.

Her blue eyes with magenta flecks held irritation as the other statues came to her side.

"He's makin' the story sound like some Altean tragedy."

A male statue says this time while sighing dramatically with a pale hand coming to drape across his own forehead.

This statue in particular was a ginger of sorts with blue eyes and light brown freckles displaying over the bridge if his nose. He also had light blue triangle makings on the peak of his cheek bones.

The white haired woman also had a light pink triangle markings in the same place as the ginger's.

"Lighten up dude~." Another female statue says. She was the shortest out of all of them and she has a pixie cut short mop of alburn brown hair. She reached to her face and readjusted her black framed glasses. Behind her glasses were even a lighter brown eye color. In her eyes there where even tiny flecks of green and gold.

"We'll take it from here, darling." The white haired woman says while smiling politely and clasping her hands in front of her in a feminine manner.

You go girl

"We are the muses...

Gods and goddesses of the arts and
proclaimers of heroes." Allura (also know as the white haired woman) announces while flexing her arms when she says heroes.

"Heroes like Shiro." Pidge says. Her brown eyes held boredom as she was lightly nudged by Coran(the ginger).

"Our story actually begins long before Shiro. Many eons ago."

"Ah~" all three of the statued muses began to harmonise as they sang to some random tune that they magically somehow conjured up.

"Back when the world was new. And the planet Atlea was down on its luck. And everywhere gigantic brutes called Galra ran amok." Allura sang as she conjured up images of the planet Atlea being created, and being destroyed by strange gigantic ships and beasts called Galra.

"It was a nasty place. A mess wherever ya stepped." Coran joined in while side stepping an area of a broken vase and dirt.

"Where tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes never slept." Pidge sings while ignoring Coran's weird dance moves.

"Sing it girlfriend" Coran shouts as he gently hip bumps into Pidge.

"Then along came Ulaz" Allura sings while taking the limelight from her comedic duo.

"He hurled his thunder bolt-"

"He zapped" Pidge sings

"Locked those suckers in a vault-" Allura says.

"They're trapped" Coran chimed in.

"And on his own stopped choas in its tracks." Allura haulers at the top of lungs.

"And that's the gospel truth", the 3 muses all start to sing at at once again, and harmonizing beautifully, "he's just too "Type-A" to just relax."

"And that's the world's first dish." Sings Pidge while placing a hand on her hip and smiling towards her fellow deities.

" Ulaz tamed the globe while still in his youth. Honey it may seem impossible, but that's the gospel truth." Coran says while slinging an arm around Pidge.

"On Mount Olympus life was neat and smooth and sweet as vermouth. Honey it may seem impossible but that's the gospel truth." Allura finishes before presenting a land so beautiful and pure that only gods and goddesses could reside in.

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