Ask Dahvie :)

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hey guys, this is gonna be a short but important so ya' know:



Ashley's POV 

I have been avoiding Andy for 3 days, ever since the kiss and I am really not sure what the hell to do.

I've not been avoiding him because I don't want to seen him it just that I feel........ well I don't know what I feel that's, the whole problem.

Usually I would talk to my best friend, Jinxx, about this but since I'm stuck in this house I could only talk to Andy and of course I'm not going to do that. I wish I could talk to some one who has been in this situation.

but I mean who the hell has been kidnapped by some one that they might have feelings for.......... holy shit...... DAHVIE!

Dahvie has been in this exact situation! but wait, I don;t have his number and the only way I could get it was to talk to Andy and that was not possible right now.

Maybe Andy has it written down some where. Maybe he has a phone book?

I would have to be extra stealthy............


I got up of of my bed and walked over to the door opening it as quietly as possible and I noticed Andy on the living room sofa with his back turned to me.

I quickly walked past but I was stopped when his deep voice said " I have very good hearing Ashley"

I sighed in defeat and I watched as he got up and walked up to me with an eyebrow raised "were you trying to escape?" 

"no" I said honestly. I was actually surprised that the idea hasn't come to my mind

"then what were you doing?" he said, clearly not believing me

"well, I was kinda looking for a phone book" I said 

"why?" he questioned, a confused look on his face

"I want to talk to Dahvie" I said


"I...... need advice on something" I said

When I said this he got a happy smirk on his face "advise about me perhaps?"

A deep blush covered my cheeks "u-um no, I was gonna.... um... gonna ask about..... books" 

"whatever you say Ashes but your a terrible liar" He said walking off and grabbing a pen and piece of paper writing down a phone number

"here you go, have fun talking about me!" he said grinning and practically skipping away

"I'm asking about books!" I called back but when the only response I got was a giggle I grabbed Andy's house phone and dialed Dahvie's Number.

"hello?" A voice that I recognized as Jayy's answered

"hey Jayy, its Ashley is Dahvie their?" I asked

"oh hey Ashley! yeah he's here let me get him for you" he replied happily. I heard him call dahvie and not soon after Dahvie's voice spoke into the line

D= Dahvie       A= ashley

D=hey Ash, have you realized you like Andy yet?

A= Thats what I need to talk to you about

D= well what do ya' need?

A= I kissed Andy

D= really? nice one Ash!

A= no not nice one, I'm really not sure what to do

D= what do you mean?

A= I don't really know how I feel about him

D= Ash I consider us friends now so please don't get offended by this but that's kinda fucking stupid

A= what do you mean?

D= its really simple, look, don't think about logic, just forget that he kidnapped you for a second just think about Andy, do you want to be with him? it really not difficult, because only you know how you feel, I can't tell you. now I'm gonna go smoke some weed and your gonna think about what I said. bye Ash!

-end of phone call-

He hung up before I could reply and I though about what Dahvie said, did I like Andy?

.....................yes I did. 


HOLY CRAP FANGIRL MOMENT! sorry it was short but ya' know it was still cute right?

anyway remember to COMMENT and VOTE because It makes me happy!

lots of love


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