Chapter 1

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Valerie's P.O.V

As soon i see the wall fall down outside my window everybody starts running. My mom pulled me away from the window and my parents gave me a cape that was blue, it was long and it had a hoodie

"Valerie wear this cape at all times and can hide your wings and help you on the way" my mother said in a worry voice but i listened to her and put it on, it was a little big but i knew if i grow up a little more i can fit in it. I was the first who got out of the house then a huge piece of rock came at us and hit the house and mom and dad was still in there. I saw my mom's hand so i ran towards it and moved the wood out of the way. And there i saw my mother saying her last words with blood in her mouth

"T-take t-this necklace i-it w-well help y-you" i started to cry "D-don't cry, be s-strong m-my l-l-little a-angle" and with that my mother was gone for good

"Mother, mother, mother! no! please don't leave me! father mother please!" i cried and cried but i stop and wiped away my tear and took the necklace that my mother gave me and kissed her hand goodbye and ran off with a little tear rolling down my face.

Time skip to on the boat and still Valerie's P.O.V

As i got on to the boat and sat down near a blonde boy who was looking everywhere for his friends that i heard from him 'It must be nice to have friends I wish i had friends' i said in my thought's and now the boat was moving then a huge crashed was heard. I turned my head and saw the armored titan. I opened my mouth a little and then closed it and faced the ground.

"When is it going to end i wonder" i whispered to myself

Time skip off the boat still Valerie's P.O.V and she is ten years old and yes i did change her age

I got off the boat and wonder around a bit then i bumped into a boy and fell on my side and i didn't mean to bump into him (A/n: who do you think it is)

"Ohhh im sorry i didn't mean to bump in to you im very sorry" i said getting up but then i got pushed down again and landing on a small sharp rock my other side 'Owwww that hurt real bad' i said in my head but the boy said something

"Watch it!" then he ran away but i think he had 2 more with him.

"Are you okay" i heard someone said so i turned my head to see a brown haired boy and behind him was a a ravened haired girl and that boy i was sitting next too these must be his friends.

Eren's P.O.V

I was yelling at Armin then Mikasa punched me in the face it really hurt then Mikasa started to talk to me (A/n: i don't to do Mikasa doing the talking and stuff so yeah im just going to skip that) after she was done she stuffed the bread in my mouth and i started to cry. After i stopped crying i heard

"Watch it!"

I turned around to see those bastards that picking on a girl that wears a white cape. As i got up and ran towards them Armin and Mikasa followed behind me and as they saw us they ran away

"Are you okay" i said and she turned around to see me then she looked at Mikasa then Armin and she said

"Yes im ok thank you for saving me my name is Valerie Rose what's yours?" She asked so i replied back

"I'm Eren" i said

"I'm Armin" Armin said

"And i'm Mikasa" Mikasa said

"Well its nice to meet you all" Valerie said

"Can i ask you a question?" i said

"Sure" she said

"Why do you wear that white cape and hoodie?"

"Well... it's a secret" she said and walked off

Mikasa's P.O.V

"Well... it's a secret" she said and walked off

'A secret huh, well i want to find out' i said in my head then i saw a little piece of blue hair


Armin's P.O.V

"Well... it's a secret" she said and walked off

'I want to know what her secret is' i said in my head then i remember i was siting next to her on the boat

"Ohhhhhhh i was siting next to her" i said in a whisper voice

(Time skip to the training stuff blah blah blah yeah)

3rd person P.O.V

Keith Sadies started to yelling at people what's your name, where do you live, what's your purpose (A/n: i don't know if it is purpose or whatever it is) soon enough he came across Valerie

"Hahaha is this a joke, wearing a white cape here you might as be titan food when you go out there. What's your name!" he yelled at Valerie

"My name is Valerie Rose sir" she said in a kind of quite voice

"Valerie Rose huh what district are you from!"

"Shiganshina district sir"

"What's your purpose here!" he said a little louder to Valerie catching everybody's attention looking at him and her.

"My purpose is killing all the titans that comes in my way sir"

"You said your from the Rose family, correct" he said a little nicer to her

"Yes sir i am, why do you ask?"

"Nothing" and he moved on

After that she saw the girl who was eating the potato running laps now

"What was her name again.... Sasha, i think that was her name.... yeah it's her name" she said in a whisper voice and walked off to get some food. When she got there she saw people surrounding someone but she ignored it and went to get her food but she sat near the people. Valerie was done with her food like she finished really fast and when she got up from her seat made a noise and that grabbed the people's attention. Then one boy talk

"Hey aren't you the one who's name is Valerie" she nodded instead then another boy talk and reach for her hoodie

"Hey you should take off your hoodie" and then he pulled down her hoodie and they all saw blue hair and peach skin.

Valerie's P.O.V

'Did he just... pull down my hoodie... Oh hell no' i said in my head

3rd person P.O.V

She dropped her tray and lifted her leg to her hand and pulled out a knife that was strapped above her knee then she fully turned around with the knife in her hand and leaned forward to the guy who pulled down her hoodie and the guy was Jean. (A/n: im gonna end it here and where she got the knife i have no idea hehehehe 
P.S It's so bad i know :( )

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