Chapter 4

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but all I want is for you guys to enjoy this book and this chapter is hopefully long. P.S the song does not belong to me and the song is for fun. Other P.S there's going to be a lot of (A/n)'s in this story because im making fun of my writing so if you dont wont to look at it its fine you dont have to.)

3rd P.O.V

Just then some body was opening the door, so Valerie flew to the back door grabbing her cape

"Hey Christa Ymir aren't you guys coming with us to train or what.... what's with the white feather on the ground. Did a white bird come in here or something?"

(A/n: Yeah a "White bird" mmmmmmm)

"No" Christa said with a innocent smile (A/n: surrrrrrre)

"Ok then" and they left.

Valerie P.O.V (A/n: i totally forgot it was morning, lol)

"Outside is so refreshing then inside. The morning sun shining out on me and-" 

"Valerie you out here" interrupted by the door opening 

"*Sigh* What is it Christa?" I asked

"Well training is starting, you should come and train with us" (A/n: F training ^O^ ^O^ ^O^) 

"Fine" after that conversation I followed her to the training ground were it was boring 

Time skip
(A/n: i'm to f in lazy. I was doing this in the middle of the night which i don't care if i get in trouble unless i wake up in the morning which is not going to happen :p )

I guess sitting on the ground is fine... for now.

"Hey Valerie... what happened to your leg, arm, and face?" Christa asked

I looked at my left leg seeing it was all bruised up, looking at my right arm seeing scratches and marks and then my face....... blood dripping down my forehead.

Flaaaaaash baaaaaaack~ (A/n: Finally ughhh)

I was walking towards the training area with Christa and then some guy i think his name was Reiner came up to me and asked me to spar with him (A/n: I dont know *shoulder shrug*) 

"I guess I can" even tho i dont want to. I just want to sit back and relax and do nothing but i cant do that. WHHHHHHY

We got in are fighting stand (A/n: im just making things up (not) maybe idk) and then in a surprise everyone was watching us. Greaaaaat *eye roll*

He started charging at me and i was literary just standing there doing nothing and then the impacted came. It hurt like someone was stabbing me, no worse then that.
I was on the ground showing no pain but in the inside IT HURT, he got off of me and helped me up, it hurt so much i screamed, then Keith Sadies came over placed me on his shoulder. 

He drop on the ground, literary dropped me on the  ground. 

"Sit here until your better" then he left. 'So your going to leave me hurt and no aids!' i said to myself angry 

End of Flashback

"I fell..... on the dirt....... with a stick....... in my hands" i say making things up 

"You fell on the dirt with a stick near you?" i nodded 

"That does not sound convincing at all Valerie." Christa said not being convinced at all. I just looked at her and tried to crawl away from her, but then Ymir picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. 'I totally forgot about her' 

"Where are you guys taking me?" i say struggling against her grip

"To the girls dorm" (A/n: i think but i dont know) she answered my question 'oh, ok'

Time skip

Christa P.O.V

When we got to the dorm we sat on the beds. I was treating Valerie's wounds because she was hurt badly, i mean her head was bleeding and she doesn't even care, her arm is scratched up with blood, and her leg is all bruised up. 

"Are you feeling ok, you could scream if you want if it hurts that badly" I say to her 

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt, i promise" Valerie i know your lying but if you want it that way, ok

I was almost done with her arm, then Mikasa and Annie came in. 

"Lunch is ready." (A/n: i think) Mikasa said with a unreadable face and then they both left.

"Well, im done anyways so your good to go Valerie." I said with a smile on my face.

Val's P.O.V

"Thanks Christa, and Ymir." I Thanked them with an unreadable face and we then we walked out of the dorms to get lunch.

5 minutes later

Once we got there..... There was chaos. Food on the walls, Food on the floor, and people fighting... well only two, but those count as people. We walk past them and one of them bumped into me which was fine unless I didn't get hurt but I did hit my ribs on the table and I was mad. Everyone was looking at me, even the two who was fighting. 

Yes I was mad/angry but I know how to cool off this angry in me. I practice, a lot. (A/n: I know how to write practice but i cant spell practice, The fudge is wrong with me... Everything i tell you everything)   

I stand up and walked away from the idiots. 'I got my food finally'

"Valerie, how come you didn't get mad. You usually get mad so easily." Ymir said. I wanted to punch her right in the face. I look at her 'are you joking' face.

"No. I dont" I said getting back to eating my food when somebody sat next to me. How did I know, well... someone is heavy af and the seat went up a little. I'm guessing it's the guy who crushed me or I let him crush me instead.

"Hi Valerie, you probably don't remember me," Oh I remembered you. "But my name is Reiner, sorry I crushed you when we were training I just didn't know you were so weak." '.......What did he just say...... did he just... call me weak.... oh no he didn't.'

"Calm down Valerie calm down." I whispered to myself. I look up and see Ymir looking at me like she knew what happened in training. I sighed and and put both of my hands on my hood and.....

(A/n: ok so thats the end of this chapter and i hate my writing. Im always thinking i should discontinue this story but at the same time i don't so i dont know yet but thats then end of this chapter hope you enjoy this ish-long chapter i made for you guys. Ps IM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE. 
Date: 3/3/2019
Month: March)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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