The new Boss of the house

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Shu's pov
Y/n in just a few weeks  she became the boss of us all even Reiji (Damn) was scared of her. She was half are size,loss more than half her wight in a week and has or tried to fuck all of us she was the boss of the house and we listened.
Y/n pov
I changed over the last week I ran the house and everyone in it. I felt storng and powerful and deadly. Shu , Kou ,and Ayato where my slaves and I loved it.
Ayato pov
"I'm not your damn doll y/n " kanato yelled SLAP!  Y/n slapped Kanato, he ran out crying with a red mark on his face "Ayato! Kou! Shu!" She called us in. I followed after Kou and Shu "yes m'lady?" We said as one bowing. I could feel her smirks "Kou go get me some tea and bring me the blood bag NOW! " Kou ran out of the room leaving me and Shu "Shu go start me a bath HURRY!" Shu darted out leaving me alone with her. She didn't look like y/n with her long (f/c) and (sf/c) hair ,red and purple eyes, and her body thin and taller than before it bugged me that this was my childhood friend hell she my childhood crush and still was akind "Ayato Ayato do you not like me like this?" Her outside look changed back to the old y/n the one I loved "That girl is gone!" I shouted
Y/n pov
"That girl is gone" Ayato yelled  he was worng I was right here fighting for my life  vs a witch a monster I wanted my friends my family my life I wanted it all back I thought about how Atayo's smirk when we got in trouble, Shu's luagh when I asked him for help after I told him I can do it on my own, Kou and Subaru's hugs when I was sad, Kanato's songs, Reiji and Ruki telling me to act like a lady, and all the others I wanted them back. So I would fight against a demon to have them all back I wouldn't give up it was for them

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