Adventure of a Mesmer

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     Once upon a time, Mesmer was swimming about in his large, dark habitat. As a human lurked closer towards its home he just watched in curiosity. Mesmer was still small for he didn't know danger from safety. The human got closer to his sleeping parents with something shinny in hand. In a blink of an eye, his parets were murdered in front of him.
This was new beginning for Mesmer.

     Mesmer was furious, waiting for the day to revenge on the human for his parent's sake. He continued everyday learning his powers to get stronger so his parents could peacefully sleep. Everyday drawled on, everyday the human never returning until one day, a bright light awoke him from his slumber in his cave. He swam quickly out once again seeing the human he'd long to get get back at for years. This was his chance and he took it. His winged fins spread making him look like a butterfly. The wings sparkled and glowed beautiful colors, the human seemed to be attracted to. The human swam closer, a voice was telling her to do so, "Near the pretty colors....."
"It looks so innocent and sweet..."
"Swim closer...."

     The voice repeated in her head as she got closer, it got louder and clearer. Feeling a force preventing her from looking away and swimming off. Till she got to the end and it stopped, time stopped for both things. Mesmer stopped hypnosis on the girl and she swam herself in place. "I'll let you live. Never come here again unless you want to be gone." Mesmer warned and she nodded swimming off back to her light producing thing, leaving. Time went by and Mesmer found another of his kind. Her name was Hypnos, he fell for her and he knew life would be good for himself.

The End

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