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"Dad! What are you d--" Gabe was cut off by his father roughly grabbing him by the arm, forcing him into the passenger seat of the truck.

"We're leaving, Gabriel."

"No dad! We can't just abandon them! They're family!"

"This isn't up for discussion! You are my son and you'll do what I say! And I say we're leaving."

"Are you crazy?!"

"Do no-- Fuck!" David's reply was cut off as the truck swerved, having hit two stray muertos. Gabe could tell that there was nothing he could say to change his father's mind, but he knew that they couldn't leave Richmond, especially not without Javi-- hell, he had raised Gabe for the past four years, he was as much a father to Gabe as David was. Gabe tried to pry open the door of the truck but David plowed through a scattering of muertos and Gabe fell back into his seat.

"Gabriel! What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Dad we can't just turn our back on them! I know you and Javi are going through some stuff, but he's family! We can't lose him! I can't!"

"Javi has no respect for blood! Family means nothing to him!"

"That's not true!" Gabe tugged at his father's arm, "Just turn back! Please!"

"Do not make me repeat myself, Gabe! We are n-- Shit!" David lost control of the wheel and the truck skidded into a the side of a building. Gabe was thrown forward by the force of the crash, and there was a sickening crack as his head collided with the dashboard.

"Gabriel!" Gabe struggled to sit up, his vision was blurred. He lifted a hand to his forehead and it came away sticky with blood. Gabe heard a rasping noise and slowly raised his head to survey his surroundings.

"Fuck..." he whispered. Waves of muertos were making their way towards the truck, attracted by the sound of the crash. They began pounding against the windows, snarling and growling. "Dad! What are we gonna do?! Holy shit this is bad... this is really bad!"

"Calm down, Gabe! We'll figure something out, just hang on a second." Gabe looked up to see spiderweb like cracks spreading across the windows of the truck.

"They're everywhere!"

"Don't let them get you!" Shards of glass rained down on them as the muertos broke through the windows.

"Aghh! Dad! Help!" Gabe exclaimed as several of the undead grabbed at the fabric of his jacket, attempting to pull him into their jaws."

"Keep fighting, Gabe!" David shouted, firing his gun at the muertos pulling at Gabe.

"Dad, behind you!" David spun around and fired the gun at the muerto, but instead of the earsplitting bang Gabe had been anticipating, there was a dull click. David was out of bullets.

"Get the fuck off me! Ahhh! Aghhh!" David reached for his knife and stabbed at the muerto, but he was too late, the beast had already sunk it's teeth into David's throat.

"DAD, NO!" David shoved the corpse away from himself and blood spurted out of his wound. "Dad!" Gabe cried. "This-- this can't be happening! No!" Fuck! I'm so sorry, dad!" He looked around frantically, "Help! Somebody help us!" But no one was coming. "This is all my fault..." Gabe sobbed. "If I hadn't tried to make you turn back, none of this would have happened! I thought I'd we just went back-- I thought I could fix everything! I thought I had to! Someone had to..."

"No Gabriel, this wasn't your fault, you can't take on all that weight." David choked out. He looked up at Gabe. Blood had begun to drip out of his mouth. "You know what has to happen now. What you need to do."

From the Gallows- Gabe's perspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now