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Javi had already began walking away but Clementine couldn't bring herself to leave-- not yet. She found herself rooted to the spot. Staring at the body of the boy who had been so kind to her. He had always had her back... even when he found out she used to run with the New Frontier--the group who killed his little sister!--he still stood up for her. From the moment she met him she had felt drawn to him. Spending time with Gabe had been like a breath of fresh air, when she was with him she was able to forget all her worries and relax for a little bit, enjoy life... but that was all gone now. Her hope for a brighter future--one with him--had been snuffed out, and once again she found herself alone, having lost another person whom she loved... Loved... Had she loved Gabe? Was that why her heart skipped a beat when he smiled and she struggled to breath when she was with him? They had only known each other for a few days, but they had had a connection, no doubt about it. No one had ever made her feel the way he had, and maybe no one ever would again. Clementine had always thought she'd be alone. Until she met him... But now he was dead, and he had taken a part of her with him.

She held up the deck of cards he had given her, letting out a sob as she noticed a smear of his blood across the corner. She glanced once more at his body and forced herself to turn away, following Javi's retreating figure into the night.

From the Gallows- Gabe's perspectiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant