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Javi slowly lifted the gun. His hand shook and he squeezed his eyes shut, teeth clenched tightly. He pulled the trigger. Javi exhaled shakily and forced himself to turn away, to start walking back to Richmond. He knew if he allowed himself to dwell too much on what had just happened, he would fall to the ground and not be able to get back up, he wouldn't be able to leave his nephew--his son's--side, even though he knew he was never coming back. He was dead... If he had only taken the motorcycle and gone after Gabe! Maybe he'd be okay... In less than a week he had lost his entire family. Mariana, David, and now Gabe? Javi had failed them. Fuck! It wasn't supposed to go this way! He should have been the one to die! Not them! Never them...

From the Gallows- Gabe's perspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now