Chapter 1

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Christian's POV

I watched as Ana sat in my lap, cradling me. I did a small smile when she turned her head away from me. "Hey..." I said in a soft voice, letting my eyes rake over her quickly.

She turned and looked at me, her hair flowed down her back smoothly. "Hmm?" She was clearly daydreaming.

I moved and pinned her softly to the seats, kissing her, my hands moving from her hands to her hips, her fingers laced around my neck. I heard a noise and then I flew through a window, rolling down a ditch and hitting my head on a rock. My vision was blurry and my hearing was muffled. I could hear a voice... a very familiar one, calling out my name.

"Christian?!" The voice sounded worried. "Christian!" The voice was scared immediately. I was looking at trees... a forest. "Christian... look at me." I heard the voice say. I turned my head and looked. It was Ana. I saw how bad she was cut up and bleeding. I couldn't hear more after that so I closed my eyes and then I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

Ana's POV

I was awake and alert, we were at the hospital. I was following after Christian's stretcher. "Christian..." I panted and fell to my knees, somehow out of breath. I saw Grace run over and help me up.

"Ana..." She walked me to a bed and laid me down, putting oxygen on me. She looked sad and worried. "What happened?"

"Taylor got in a wreck... Christian flew through the backseat window... rolled down a ditch..." I put the mask back on to breathe then moved it away. "I'm scared." I whispered and put the mask back on.

"Nurse, schedule me a x-ray." She told a nurse then the nurse left as she looked back at me. "I know you are... I am too." She brushed my hair back.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Grace was sitting with the whole family, I heard another heart monitor and looked to my right and saw Christian. I tried to sit up but Ray stopped me.

"Lay back. You just had surgery." He whispered. I teared up.

"I want Christian..." I whispered and laid back, sniffing.

"Miss Steele." Taylor walked in with his crutches. A nurse was trying to stop him.

I got up and fell into his arms, sobbing. "I want Christian..." I sobbed into his chest.

Taylor wrapped his good arm around me. "I know..." He whispered. "I know." He held me close. "You need to lay down... get better for him."

"Can I lay with him?" I looked up at him then looked at Grace. "Please?" I asked.

She closes her eyes. "I'll have a nurse help move your bed next to his for you. But you better be in that bed by the time I get back or your not being moved." She walked out.

I limped back to the bed and laid down in it. I looked around but Carla wasn't here with Bob. "Are they coming?" I asked Ray.

Ray nods. "They are on a plane."

I nod and closed my eyes. "I'm tired." I couldn't wait to be out of here.

After I got better enough to go home. I stayed in the hospital room with Christian, holding his hand.

"Mrs. Jones is worried about you... she brought you some flowers..." I smiled a little. "And I brought you your tie..." I put it on him, avoiding his chest. I put my hand on the side of his ribs softly. "Next week is your 28th birthday..." I teared up and put my head on his arm, crying. "I just want you to wake up." I sobbed.

A few weeks went by, I went back to work and with the help of my new assistant Tyler Jameston. I accepted the fact that Christian might not even wake up.

Tyler knocked on my door frame. "Ana?" He asked.

I looked up and smiled. "Hey."

He gave me a small smile. "You have a meeting in the conference room with Mr. Kavanaugh."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled at him. It has been 8 months since the accident. I got up and walked in my flats with a small limp to the glass conference room, holding the folders. I sat down on the leather seats with the dark oak table in front of me, then saw not only Kate's dad but Grace with Carrick and Mia. Elliot and Kate were with them too. "Um... what's going on?" I asked, setting the folders down and saw Grace's sad face.

"Christian woke up... but he doesn't remember you much... he wants to talk to you for the afternoon meeting. He wants to know everything he forgot."

"I can tell her myself, Grace." Christian jumped in, coming out of the shadows. "I may not remember much but I do remember that she is, or was my girlfriend."

I was shocked. "C-christian... I'm sorry... I will tell you everything you forgot but... I moved on..." I whispered.

They all looked at Christian. Christian's expression hurt me in so many ways. His expression was hurt and pained. "O-oh..." Was all he said before he got out of the room and to the outside, his breathing was heavy as he walked out.

Christian's POV

"C-christian... I'm sorry... I will tell you everything you forgot but... I moved on..." She whispered out.

I felt my insides turn and it made me feel sick. I had tears in my eyes. "O-oh." I stuttered. I never stuttered in my life. I had to go get fresh air. I walked out, walking quick, feeling a male's eyes on me. I walked outside just as it started raining. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, a memory coming in my head.

It was the night Mia was coming back from Paris and my mother was hosting a party. Ana was wearing her pink dress, we were dancing. She twirled out of my arms and started her off beat dance. I couldn't help but admire her. I then walked to her and kissed her, my hands on her back.

I winced and held my head. "Ow."

"Mr. Grey. Are you alright?" Taylor asked me.

"Yeah... just... give me a moment." I told him and walked in to Ana's office, closing the door behind me, closing it on her assistant's face. "Ana..."

She was in tears. "What?" She looked at me.

"The night Mia was coming home... were you happy then?" I asked her, leaning against her desk. "Tell me... help me remember the picture."

"Yes I was happy... you were too..." She sniffed.

I looked in her eyes. "Then be with me..."

"Ana, you re-" Tyler stopped mid-sentence.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Christian." She whispered and walked past me, locking hands with Tyler and I watched her leave with him. Another flashback went through my head.

I was holding Ana's hand, walking with her on the trail going to a small dock. She didn't know if she could sign the contract yet.

I blinked and looked down. I have to get her back... but how?

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