Chapter 5

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Ana's POV

I watched as Tyler paced back and forth in front of me. I closed my eyes, hoping Christian would have back up.  I hear a car pull up and the door open.

"Where's Ana?" I knew the voice. Christian...

"Right here..." Tyler moved to the side and I had a broken nose, looking straight at Christian.

"Christian..." I teared up.

"You are a fool for coming. She's mine... She might just be pregnant too..." He smirked.

Christian growled. "You raped her?!" He runs and tackles Tyler.

I gasped as I watched, Christian's arm was still in it's sling. "Christian, look out!" As soon as I said that, Christian was thrown against the pen I was in, his shoulder was bleeding where he got shot.

Christian stood straight and held his shoulder. Tyler just smirked. "You shouldn't be using that shoulder."

"You shouldn't have my damn girlfriend." He snapped. He took off the sling and held up both hands, he was ready to fight. He charged then froze, the gun Tyler used to threaten me with was at Christian's stomach, the barrel pointing at me, the gun shot and hit me in my arm. I cried out in pain as Christian stumbled back, holding his stomach and spitting out blood. "You shot her... You son of a bitch! You shot her!" Christian charged at Tyler.

"Your not valuable for the bullet yet." He slams a shovel to Christian's face. I gasped as Christian fell back, he was holding his nose. He stood up slowly and stumbled a little before throwing up. "You dizzy?" Tyler teased and laughed. "I'm going to beat you while Anastasia watches. How about that?" He sets the gun down and shoves Christian back, making him fall. Christian struggled with Tyler.
Christian be careful...

Taylor's POV

I started driving when an hour passed, police following me. I replayed the scene in my head. Ana's wide eyes as I was talking to Christian then a sharp pain, then it was all black. "You guys ready?" I asked, they had given me a walkie talkie, Mr. Grey must have kept his in the car.

"Yes, sir. We are ready." The captain said. I parked and got out at the entrance. I walked to a grate and opened it. I covered my nose with my sleeve, some officers threw up. It smelled like death and decomposition. I shined a light and saw human skeletons. There were dead roses on the skeletons.

"This might be his parents." I said,  on the verge of puking. I took a deep breath before going down the ladder, avoiding the bones. I walked with my phone flashlight on. I need to find the way... Please be alright Christian...

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