Shattered (A Niall Horan Love Story)

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Chapter 1: I Hate Mondays

The alarm on my phone blared making my ears ring. I groaned and reached for my iPhone, and it wasn't there.. What?

That's when I knew- Destiny and Evalynn. As I turned my head to see if they were there, the sun shone bright in my eyes. I heard faint giggles and I knew it was totally them! I slowly reached for my pillows to whack them and the bed creaked.


I still aimed at them anyway. The room filled with giggles and squeals. I laughed so hard I felt it in my gut. Destiny's dirty blonde colored hair covered up her light brown eyes as she laughed. Evalynn, or as we call her Evy, ran to the bathroom. Destiny got up and ran to the locked bathroom door. I quickly snatched my iPhone while I could. No texts, good.

"Evy! You have to come out so we can get ready!!" Destiny said as she pounded on the door.

"I'm peeing, could you wait one second?!" Evy yelled.

I laughed as they argued, and walked to the kitchen to look in the refrigerator.

Yogurt, no. Fruit, nah. Muffins, no thanks.

Nothing was in there, so I hopped to the cupboard. I scanned the shelves. Pancake Mix? I check the fridge for the ingredients, and started to make the pancakes.


All 3 of us finished up our sticky pancakes. I grabbed the dirty dishes and put them in the sink. I washed my hands off, to get the slimy sticky syrup off. I grabbed the towel, and dried my hands.

"Your turn to wash the dirty dishes Des!" I say, as I throw the wet towel on her face. I better run. I flee out of the room and slip on Destinys' ankle socks. Owch. I heard Des laughing behind me. It's time to be mean. I started to fake cry like I was hurt, even though I wasn't. I had my face facing the floor, so they couldn't really see I was faking. Evalynn ran up to me, while Destiny was still having a laughing fit in the kitchen.

"Oh my god, Kaelyn, are you okay?!", Evy said as she "comforted" me.

That's when Destiny ran over. It's game time. I screamed, then laughed, and jumped up and ran into my room and locked the door. I heard Evy say faintly outside the door, "I think she is okay."

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