(Shattered) Chapter 45: Home Sweet Home!

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Niall's POV
We were just arriving at our small rented cabin back in Mullingar.
Kaelyn was dying to see her family, and I was to mine. So we decided to got for a week. Kaelyn stopped puking a few days ago, and after she got back from being with Evy, she's been acting different. I've been meaning to ask her what had her so down, but hopefully coming home will cheer her up. We got back to the tiny flat, and got settled in. The guys visited their families with their girl's then went to the girls' family towns. It was easy for me and Kaelyn since we lived in the same town.
We sat on the couch, and just looked at each other. I played her hair, she played with mine. Her beautiful eyes, and she stared into mine. I kissed the top of her head. Damn, I love her.
"Ni, I ha-," she paused, "Nevermind.." she frowned.
"Babe, you can tell me. What's been going on lately?"
She turned and layed on top of me, and we fell back together.
"I love you," she said.
I gave her a weird look, the look that asked her again.
Kaelyn sniffled, and look at me with watery eyes. I sat up with a concerned look on my face. Since she was clung around my waist, she ended up flying up with me. Kaelyn stood up, and pulled me to the bathroom.
"Do you not feel good again? Are you gonna puke?" I was grabbing her hair into a hand. She shook her head, and pulled my hand down to her stomach.
"What? Wh-" it felt a little harder than normal.
"Kaelyn, what's wrong with your stomach? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" I was terrified, she was obviously scared, and something was wrong.
Kaelyn put her hands on my shoulder, "I need to show you something, but I really haven't been wanting to, because you'll probably leave me, and I need you to not freak out, but here I guess..." she explained.
I'm still confused. I have no clue what was going on.
Kaelyn lifted her shirt, and her stomach was rounded.
"Did Louis get you pregnant with carrots again?" I closed my eyes and sighed with laughter.
Kaelyn laughed a little, "No, silly! You did."
"Niall, I'm pregnant with our baby!" she cried.
My eyes were as wide as, I don't even know. I was going to be a dad, I am going to have a baby in my arms in less than 9 months.
"How could you have not told me sooner? Kaelyn! How far along are you?"
"2 months..." she frowned at the ground.
"Why are you so sad? This is amazing!"
"You think," she asked, "You're not gonna leave me?"
"Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"Well, we aren't married, and,-"
"Wait a second- if we used protect-"
"I know, there, apparently, it didn't work!" she smiled.
I couldn't believe my ears. The girl of my dreams is pregnant with my baby. I am going to be a dad. It all seemed like a dream.
I picked Kaelyn up, as carefully as I could, and dropped her on the bed softly. I flew to the spot next to her, and just laid my head by her stomach.
"Hi little baby! It's your daddy!" I smiled.
That day I couldn't wipe that smile off my face. I couldn't stop kissing Kaelyn, and telling how much I loved her.
She might've given me my surprise, well...

Now she's gonna get hers.

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