Chapter 22: Drunk

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"Things have really changed haven't they..."

Nodding in agreement the bluenette took a big sip of her frozen lime mix margarita before speaking.

"Yeah, it really has become peaceful...and as you can see alot of demon are hooking up with angels...ooh Brain freeze!!!"

The bluenette immediately rubbed her temples as she tried to stop the ackeing pain that shot through her head.

"Hehehe, levy you should really take your time drinking those, your gonna get drunk!"

"I know, I know but it taste so good and besides we are going to get drunk anyways from drinking them to begin with!"

"Don't remind me, if Natsu saw this he would flip."

"A haha you've  got a very possessive and loving guy, i wouldn't be suprised if he was stalking you right now..."

The blondes face immediately heated up as she just shook her head.

"I hope not, oh by the way, you are gonna be the main brides maid in my wedding right...?"

Giggling drunkly the blunette through a arm around her as she nodded her head reapeatly.

"Duhhhhh, of courseee, so have you two hit the sheets yet??!!"

The blonde face palmed at her already drunken friend who seriously couldn't handle any type of alcohol that is ever in her system.

"Levy please, I told you not to drank so fast!"

"Shushhhh up, your not my mommy, you can't stop me ahaha, HEY BARTENDER  GIVE ME A REFILLLLLL!!!"

A man behind the bar quickly looked in there direction and smoothly made his way over to the loud blue haired women with another drink.

"Here you go~ enjoy"

the man's smile was crazily plastered on his pale face as he then turned away from them to go to another customer but not before glancing at the blonde who glared at him.

"LU-chan, that guy was totally checking you outtt!!"

Pulling on the blonde cheeks the blonde only sighed frustratedly at her friend who seemed to get drunker by the minute.

"Levy please calm down..."

while the blonde tried to calm down the loud and obnoxious drunk bluenette while
taking a sip of her own drink, Two sertain demons sat a couple tables away, watching their every move while holding a newspaper to hide there faces.

"I seriously didnt know angels could drink... uhh You okay pinky? You look like your gonna explode..."

"D-did you see the way that bartender looked at my lucy!?"

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