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"Done and..." I stared at my screen in concentration as I put some final touches on the video I had recorded a few hours ago. It was a vlog, it didn't really need much editing unlike my makeup hauls or tutorials, but it still needed some editing. "Done."

With one last click the video was now completely edited and ready to be uploaded to YouTube. I titled it 'VLOG: I JUST HIT ONE MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!! *Special Announcement at the end*' and watched as it began it's process. I decided that since it usually took an hour or two to fully upload, that I'd go and make Delilah and I some breakfast.

I grunted as I got up from my computer desk, stretching out all of my muscles and cracking my bones as well. Delilah would always bully me and call me old because my bones would crack, and I'd shoot back with an "At least I don't have grey hair". Being Delilah, she'd take it to offense and defend herself claiming that grey hair means wisdom, which of course I knew, but it was hard to believe that Delilah out of all people had grey hair. She was far from wise. Or just smart in general.

I trudged down the small hallway and let my hand hang low between my shoulders. It was 10 am and I was still beyond tired. Shopping takes a lot out of you, I found out.

"Beat you to it, Styles." Was the first thing I heard when I rounded the corner of the hallway. I looked up to see Delilah standing in the kitchen in nothing but short shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top that rode up her flat belly. She was mixing some batter into a bowl and had the waffle maker plugged up. Eggshells and flour was everywhere, even on the cabinets, and I cursed myself for not getting up early enough. There was a reason I did the cooking in this house.

"And Masyn is here." I tried to sound as ecstatic as I could but, in all honesty, I was just tired so my enthusiasm was gone.

"Wow, you sound so excited to see me." She teased and opened up her arms for a hug. I willingly took in the friendly gesture and wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around my bare torso.

"You're naked," She noted, stating the complete obvious.

"Mhm." I confirmed.

"And this is awkward." She tried to pry away from my grip but I kept her close. I even rested my chin on her head and rubbed my hands up and down her back, just to irritate her more.

"Lilah!" She screamed, flailing her arms around me.

"Harry," Delilah warned as she now began to pour the batter into the preheated waffle maker. She was barely paying attention to me, her best friend, choking the life out of her girlfriend.

"Awe, do little boy parts scare the lesbian." I teased in a mocking tone and made kissy faces at her, even though she couldn't see them. I felt her huff annoyingly into my chest which made me squeeze her tighter.

"Harry, let go of me or I swear on everything that is Holy I will knee you in the balls." Masyn threatened with a serious voice that had sort of a playful tone to it.

"This," I whispered lowly in her ear. "Is for letting your girlfriend cook and putting all of our lives at risk."

"I'm sorry, Dad, it won't happen again. Just let me-"

"Oh my god!" Delilah shrieked from inside of the kitchen which made me immediately let go of Masyn and run towards where she was standing. The smoke detector was going off rapidly indicating that there was indeed a fire. I shook my head in disbelief when I saw the source of the flames.

"Put it out!" Masyn screamed from behind the couch as if the fire was gonna grow legs and run.

"Really, Lilah!" I exclaimed as I rushed to get the fire extinguisher that was perched on the other side of our small kitchen. I slowly pulled the pin out of the handle; if I was gonna do this I wanted to do it correctly.

"Wait, Masyn!" Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "Go grab my camera!" Masyn wasted no time running to go fetch my camera off of my desk and when she returned it was up to her eye and already recording. I always knew she was my favorite.

"Oh for God's sake, Harry, nows not the time for video content!" Delilah urged.

"Excuse me?" I shouted back. "Do you wanna be the one to put it out because last time I checked I'm not the one who set the waffle maker on fire." That seemed to shut her up because the next thing I know she was making her way over to where Masyn stood trembling with the camera in hand. She took it from her girlfriend in a heartbeat and got closer to the scene.

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep. I chanted in my head, remembering the right safety procedure that we learned in grade school. I did exactly as I recalled and within seconds the fire on the countertop was out. But now our kitchen was covered in white, smelly foam.

We all sat in silence for a little bit, the camera still rolling and sighs or relief filling the air. I was the first to speak and break the quiet.

"In conclusion, never let Delilah near your kitchen." I spoke into the lenses as Delilah made a hurt face from behind them.

"Dude, you're like completely naked." Masyn noted, once again.

"Your man parts were like, swinging everywhere." Delilah tacked on, and for lack of better words she described it as swinging.

"I'll edit it out," I rolled my eyes and walked over to Delilah to shut the video off.

"Yeah but you can't edit that shit out of my memory," Masyn shuddered.

"Shut up, don't you guys use like dildos. Why is this so surprising for you to see." I grabbed a random blanket that was covering the couch and wrapped it around my waist just to satisfy the two lesbos.

"Because it's real," Masyn complained. "And it moves by itself and it-"

"It does not move by itself," I scoffed in amazement at the lack of knowledge this one had about real life penises.

"It does! I read it somewhere."

"Wanna see?" I put my hands around my waist, ready to pull the coverup off and show them all of my glory before Masyn quickly shouted,

"NO!" She put her hands up in defense and shut her eyes tightly. "No." She repeated once more, this time a little softer.

"Just... go get dressed. I'm taking you two somewhere,"

"You mean, you're taking Delilah somewhere and I'm just third wheeling because I don't have anyone to love me and you don't want me to feel left out?" I questioned in response as I started to walk back towards my room, almost tripping over Masyn's shoes and landing face first on the carpet.

"No, Harry, that's not what I me-"

"That's exactly what she means. Now chop, chop. We got things to do and places to be." Delilah interrupted, clapping her hands together hurriedly. I flipped her off for what seemed like the 20th time this week and disappeared around the corner.

"Try not to swallow each other while I get ready!" I shouted from my place inside my room. I heard some distant chuckles and then a loud,

"We will!"

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