Reimei no Arcana

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Author /Artist: Toma Rei

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Author /Artist: Toma Rei

Genre(s): Romance ; Fantasy; Shoujo; Adventure; Tragedy

Type: Read from right to left

Status: Completed


"On that day, I became the enemy's possession," Nakaba thought as she stood there, knowing she was destined for a marriage of convenience, aimed at keeping the peace between her country, Senan, and Prince Caesar's country, Belquat.

The two neighboring island countries have been at constant war for 200 years and Nakaba has become a sacrificial goat for her country, despite being discriminated against for her red hair, and for associating with the sub-person (half-human, half-animal) Loki, who is her only friend and attendant at Caesar's estranged palace.

But what will Nakaba do when she foresees an event pertaining to Prince Caesar's demise? Will she save him? Or let him die in return for all the hate directed towards her by the people of Belquat?

* I liked this manga cause it was different from what i expected, it was  funny, romantic, sad and it's really captivating even through the start was kinda slow!*

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