Make It A Sweet Sweet Goodbye

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I have prepared myself for agonising death. This chapter is dedicated to veesayshi!

I scrunched up my brows as I picked up my cell phone. Something didn't feel right. Usually it was Ashley who could call me to check on me or vent to me, and when Andy did talk to me, it was usually just a quick text, but he was calling me and I really didn't like it.

"Hello? Is everything okay?" I asked him. Maybe I was just being overprotective and suspicious. I hadn't hung out with Ashely and Andy in a few days.

"Alex. You and Jack need to come to the hospital. Now." he told me before hanging up. What? Wait, what?! What the hell does he mean that we need to go to the hospital? Why do we need to go to the hospital?

I was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack now. Rian was worriedly looking at me. He had witnessed Alex's famous panic attacks multiple times. He put his hand on my shoulder gently. "Is there anything I can do for you right now?"

"Call Jack. We need... We need to go to the hospital and I don't know why and Andy just called me with no explanation and just... Call Jack." He nodded his head, making me sit on the bathroom floor just in case I passed out.

Rian left me to myself which was probably for the best. My breath had grown extremely shallow and I was running my hand through my hair over and over again, ripping out hair after hair. I could feel myself trembling. The room had started to spin. I was so bloody terrified when I thought of what could be going on. Why would he just hang up on me when he knew I had panic attacks? I choked back a sob and tried to stand up, only to fall back onto the floor. I felt like I needed to run. I needed to get away before everything caught up with me. When I started throwing up, I knew I was at my breaking point.

I leaned over the toilet bowl and vomited everything I had eaten today, not that it had been a ton of food. Jack or Rian must have come in during my fit because someone put their hand on my lower back and upper arm, rubbing soothing circles.

"You dyed your hair. I like it. We have to go sweetheart. Come on." He tucked my hair behind my ear, helping me stand up, bringing me to sink to wash the disgusting taste out of my mouth.

He brought me out to his car and held my hand tightly, our fingers locked tightly. I was still panicking, but it was all a little less frightening when he was here with me.

"Do you know anything about what happened?" I shook my head, letting out a shaky breath.

"I'm going to call Andy and see what's up." Jack told me. That's when I decided to zone out. I didn't want to hear what they were talking about. I guess I should be listening, but if something bad happened, I don't want to make Andy any worse by him hearing me freak out on the other end.

When Jack's worried face turned to panic I knew it was bad. Really bad. His grip on my hand tightened. Was Andy in an accident? Was Ashley okay? I looked at my boyfriend, begging him with my eyes to tell me what's going on.

"I... Oh my god, Lexy..." Tears welled up in his eyes. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no... "It's okay. It's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay..." Jack started rambling on. Who was sick? Was is Andy or Ashley?

We must pulled into the hospital parking lot because the passenger door was open and I was being unbuckled. He helped me stand up as we made our way through those hospital doors. Jack knew what was going on, but I sure as hell didn't and I kind of wanted to pretend none of it was happening.

We checked in at the front desk. "We're friends of Ashley Purdy." Jack whispered sombrely. Oh god, did he relapse? Did he pass out? Was he going to be sent to an inpatient facility?

The woman running the front desk scrolled through her long list of patients, her face turning pallor when she got to a certain name: Ashley's name. She told us to go on ahead into the waiting room and that Andy was there already.

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