Chapter 4

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"Did you want more water, miss? Or did the coffee help? I really think that the tea would be best for your...condition."

If yesterday morning had been like playing dress up in a fantasy dollhouse, this morning was like a hellish alcohol-induced nightmare. Izzy laid her face down on the vanity as Annie flitted around, trying to fix her hair, bring her drinks, and coax her into eating. The large window streamed in enough light to illuminate the whole room—it was terrible.

She didn't have the heart to tell the cute freckled maid that she was dangerously close to throwing up on her, and that none of it was helping. The blonde couldn't quite remember the night before. At some point it had become a blur of whiskey shots, and she blamed the stupid self-assured host for goading her. But Len had woken her up at the crack of dawn, rolled her up onto her horse, and led them back to Sweetwater and the hotel.

Annie had been trying her best ever since, and Izzy would admit that the eggs and toast had helped the queasy feeling in her stomach, but nothing except for time and water could stop the pounding in her head. Just putting her camisole and petticoat on was a feat, but it had given her the opportunity to admire the new dark purple bruise on her thigh from the epi-pen. That was sore.

"You shouldn't be up so early miss, if you're going to drink all night long! You need your beauty sleep, that's what my mother says," Annie explained, brushing through Izzy's long hair.

Izzy rolled her head to the side and smiled secretively. "This wasn't planned, Annie. I had an unexpected adventure last night while bandit hunting."

The young host's eyes widened with excitement. "Did you see the outlaws?"

"I was drunk under the table by one," she replied jokingly, rolling her face back under her to block out the sun.

As Izzy suspected she would, Annie let out a little gasp of excitement.

Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Was it the one who murdered the marshal and sheriff?"

As Annie parted her hair and began to pull it back for her half-up style, Izzy frowned in confusion. She sat up, despite a wave of nausea. The sheriff had been taken by QA, but according to the story, Hector had shot him and looted his body. The narrative continued without a hiccup. "How do you know about that?"

"The deputy sheriff was telling everyone this morning!" She placed a pin in Izzy's hair. "He is offering $1,000 now for the half-breed that you and Mr. Price were looking for!"

"Ohhh..." Izzy pursed her lips. That was not good. No doubt more guests would be after him now. "Well, I liked the sheriff, he was a good man. What happened to him was really tragic; I'm glad I got to meet him."

The host nodded sadly while she ran the brush through Izzy's hair one more time. Again, the blonde was amazed by Annie's skills; instead of a half-ponytail, the extra hair was tied up in an intricate braided knot at the back of her head. She felt a little like Daenerys Targaryen.

"He was a brave man, he really cared about this town and all the folk in it," Annie commented.

Another urge to vomit came over Izzy, but she squelched it. With a groan, she tried to wrap up the conversation so she could have a few moments to herself before she went downstairs to meet Len."Well, Annie, maybe the outlaws aren't all bad. Nobody is born evil...but some of them hold their alcohol like heroes."

"So you did meet an outlaw! In serious? Oh my lord! What was he like?" the host squealed, clapping her hands together.

Too loud, Annie! Too loud! Izzy covered her ears with a wince. "How about I buy you a drink when I get back tonight, and I'll tell you the whole story." She feigned a smile, swallowing hard against the thought of more alcohol.

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