Chapter 19

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Last night was, possibly, the best "date" she had ever had. Like holy shit. Izzy forgot how amazing it was to be with someone you were excessively and acutely captivated by, and to be just drunk enough to not be bothered by how unhealthy that rapt absorption might be. She figured that she could either spend their time being upset about the impending termination date, or she could make the most of it. She could enjoy these moments, be happy that at least for one loop she had saved Hector from a grisly fate and could use her time with him to further her investigation.

Curled up on the bed, luxuriating in the excess of pillows and blankets, Izzy picked on one of the scones from the tray. Her poor maid had quite the shock when she came in that morning and saw Hector in bed but rallied quickly and offered to bring breakfast and rekindle the fireplace. Now that had been funny.

If she hadn't been so quick to offer the girl a massive tip, Izzy would have been concerned about the run-in. They were far from Sweetwater, but it seemed like Hector's wanted posters spanned the whole park. Too many people already knew they were in Pariah, and Izzy hadn't been able to tell how many of the guests at the ball were human. Craig knew they were there, and even though she doubted he would be an issue, his friends could be. They didn't need a repeat of the racetrack, especially not trapped in a room without many escape routes. But the pouch of gold had the maid awestruck, and she was happy to be of discreet assistance.

They could revel in the comfortable room a little longer.

"...and that is why I am wanted by the Egyptian government."

Izzy laughed at Hector's dumbfounded expression. She had spent the morning trying to explain the intricacies of her job, which was even harder than normal, but she was happy to give it a go. He sat listening intently, only interrupting a handful of times for clarification. Although his meandering fingers caused her to lose her train of thought a few times.

"And here I thought you were a consummate white hat," Hector commented, leaning back against the headboard with his eyes closed. One of his hands was still toying with her hair. "Although one could argue that it was the law that is wrong in your instance, and you had every right to break it."

She looked up at him, laying across the bed on her back. "Is that how you justify your shit?"

Hector shrugged, smirking. "It could be a part of my philosophy."

"I guess that would be the appeal of nihilism, right? You can make shit up as you go."

He eyed her disapprovingly.

"No no, I think it's a good philosophy to have. Most people are born into a religion and cultural ideology and they're stuck in it their entire lives; they couldn't possibly see the value in the viewpoints and beliefs of other peoples. You took inspiration from all of the things you have seen and have weaved it into its own philosophical framework. That's very cool."

"'Half-native mumbo-jumbo. That was what the old man called it. He said I was a poodle chasing my tail, locked in a cycle," Hector mumbled. His exterior bristled again and the relaxed playful version was gone.

Izzy tried to not let her introspective concern show. A guest had broken Hector out of jail at Los Diablos! But he hadn't ridden into town for the saloon heist? What was he doing?

"Well he obviously wasn't as creative or open-minded as you are."

"I quite prefer your explanation."

She smiled. "So, where did this man go? He mind-fucked you and then what?"

Hector sighed, but only gave her a minor eye roll. He must have been getting used to her.

"I asked that he come with us to Sweetwater Hills, I thought he could be an asset and we owed him a debt. He looked at me with this infuriatingly enigmatic expression and denies me. He simply says that 'You will not find what you are looking for in that safe.' He spoke to Armistice as his only repayment, and she told me he spoke of an original settler to this area. The man who shaped the land. She said he was looking to create a world where people could never die. He told her that this world was just a game, and her tattoo was a piece to the puzzle that would lead him to the ultimate game."

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