Airport 0.2

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**If you want to read Craig's conversation with Tyler, you can read it on Tap, unless it still isn't working, then I'll make a separate book for texts. This is just so people don't have to bother with texts if they don't care about them. If you don't read the texts or don't have access to Tap, you won't miss much. Now this may be a really stupid thing, but as you'll find out in the fourth part, this us experimently. Thanks for your time, enjoy the second part.

Craig shoved his suitcase into the backseat, closing the door with a tired sigh. James looked at him, concern on his face. "I really don't think you leaving is the best idea, honey..."

Craig looked at him, tired, before getting in the passenger seat. "It's exactly what I need if I want to be a game designer."

James slid into the driver's seat, sighing, "I know, but is that what you really want?"

"My answer is the same as it was an hour ago: Yes." James sighed for the umpteenth time, and started the car. "I have a life and a job I want to pursue. Why aren't you happy I'm doing something I love?" He said nothing, so Craig remained quiet as he pulled out of the driveway.

On their way to the airport, Craig got a message from Tyler. He talked to him for a little while, ignoring how James looked over at him constantly. Craig knew James was jealous of the attention Tyler got, even though James had no idea who Tyler was, but it was something he was just going to have to get over. 

But, knowing him, he would bug him about it until he got what he wanted.

"Who are you talking to?" James questioned, letting his eyes slip over to Craig.

"I'm letting Tyler know we're on our way to the airport, and reaffirming the time he'll be at the airport to pick me up in the next twelve hours." Craig continued to type away on his phone. Really, he was telling Tyler about the hour long debate he had with James, and how ridiculous he was being about him leaving. Craig was so utterly annoyed with James, he was dreading the next half hour of driving.

"... oh."

Another moment of silence before James pestered him again. "What are you talking about now?"

"Mom messaged me."


More silence.

"What if this guy isn't who you think he is? What if he's a bad person? What if this was a mistake?"

"I've known him for almost two years, James. And it was my idea to move, not his. He just offered his place to me until I could get my own." Craig was really, really trying to be patient. He really was.

James didn't say anything after that, and for that, Craig was grateful. By the time they got to the airport, it was a quarter after 11:00 PM. James helped him carry his things inside. They found where Craig's plane would be leaving when James stopped him with tears in his eyes.

His voice broke as he spoke, "Craig... I don't want to lose you. You're everything to me, you're all I have..." Craig's vision blurred, and his heart clenched painfully. "Please, please don't go..."

Craig kept his eyes on the ground, guilt creeping into his mind. What if this was a bad idea? What if it turned out badly? Maybe James was right, maybe he needed to stay here...

"... You always say that..." Craig's voice was soft. He was afraid if he spoke any louder, he would cave in on himself. "You always say I'm everything to you and everything you have and... and yet every time, it ends with me bruised, and broken, and you're happy as can be..."


"You can't... You can't guilt trip me into staying, James. You...don't control what I do and say. It was never something you were meant to do and..." And yet you did it anyway. Repeatedly. All the time. And it terrifies me to stay here longer than I need to. "...I loved you once. I don't feel the same anymore."

They were both quiet for a while. Craig was afraid to look up and see the painful expression of his ex. He kept his cool when James stepped forward and hugged him. He gasped when James tightened his hold and whispered into his ear. The words sent shivers down his spine, and froze him to the bone. James pulled away and walked past him, leaving Craig panting, wide-eyed. 

He collected himself and quickly dragged his suitcases behind him.


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