Flight, Tyler 0.3

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*If you want to see their texts, refer to Quietly Burning Messages on Tap, unless it isn't working, then refer to QBM here on Wattpad. There are two different scenes where they text.

On the plane, five minutes before takeoff, Craig was telling Tyler about what happened before James left. His stomach was turning, he felt lightheaded and sick to his stomach. He wanted to cry, but he refused to disturb the annoyed male next to him.

The conversation came to an abrupt end when the plane was about to take off. They bid each other goodbye as a flight attendant asked him, once more, to put his phone away.

The flight went by quickly. His anxiety had exhausted him, thus letting him fall asleep quickly. He jolted awake as the plane landed. He blinked rapidly, rubbing his face and discovering he had drool on the corner of his mouth. Gross.

Getting off the plane was easy. Finding his suitcases? Not so much. He was smart, and tied a brightly colored piece of cloth to the handle of each bag, but they took forever to come around. Once they did, Craig found the nearest seats and stole one, getting out his phone and turning it on. He yawned quietly, rubbing his eye as the screen blinked to life. He had a few goofy texts from Tyler, which made him smile brightly. The conversed back and forth for a small while. Excitement flowed through him when Tyler said he was looking for him. He was about to reply when someone plucked his phone out of his hands.

"What the-" Craig looked at the thief, annoyed and confused as hell, but it all disappeared with a grin. He stood and tackled Tyler with a hug, squeezing the life out of him. Tyler didn't seem to mind, as he laughed and hugged back, making him feel secure and safe. "Finally."

"Yeah, no kidding?" They pulled away, and grinned at each other. "I don't think I've properly introduce myself. I'm Tyler." Tyler returned his phone, and shook Craig's hand.

"I'm Craig." Craig was giddy with happiness and excitement.

"Ready to get settled in?"

"I will be when I get coffee in my system and oh my god you got me coffee." Tyler laughed, holding the large cup out to him. Craig was quick to burn the top of his mouth. He moaned quietly, "holy shit you even got what I like."

"Told you 20 questions wasn't stupid."

"You're a saint, bless you."

Tyler laughed, grabbing Craig's bag and slinging it over his shoulder, then getting a hold of all of his suitcases. He struggled for a moment,"Jesus Christ, I don't know how you managed this."

"Sheer will and determination, my good friend." Craig watched as he struggled a little more,frowning. "Here, let me-"

Tyler slapped his hand. "No. I can do it, I got it. Let's get you out of here and into a restaurant. I'm thinking takeout, what do you say?"

Craig beamed. "Tyler I could marry you. Yes please."

They made a beeline towards the exit, food on their minds and coffee in their systems. By the time they reached the doors, Craig was finished with his coffee and had tossed the cup in the trash. 


"Thank you." Craig reached for his suitcases. "Let me-"

"-Nope, I'll put these in the back. Go sit your pretty ass down and relax. Post-flights suck balls, it's going to be hell for you for the next few days, so it's my job, as your loving host, to make it as great as possible."

Craig dropped his hand and laughed, shaking his head. "Dunno what I did to deserve a friend like you, Ty."

Tyler froze a moment, but he quickly came back with, "With the shit you've been through? You deserve the entire world and more," as he shoved Craig's luggage into the back of his trunk. He missed the shocked look on Craig's face, and the blush that accompanied it. Craig quickly climbed into the passenger seat, and his stomach grumbled at him. Once Tyler was in the truck, they buckled up and headed out to stuff their faces. 

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