Chapter 3 }~{ Noise

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Silence was a disconnecting thing. When born into the chaos of noise, silence felt opposing. The noise of life and the silence of death always seemed to be a regular thing to her by now, but as if it was back to the beginning, she felt dreadful in the surrounding silence.

The yells of argument. The hammering sound of fighting. The thud of losing. The screaming of anger. The whispers of plotting and hate. The voice of panic in a young hot head. The panicking sound of need. The begging that came with failure. The pleads of reality.

When the light had faded that day in New York the world became silent. When she had touched the man, reviving him was the last thing on her mind.

The glaze on the red head girl screamed with anger, even though the world was silent the meaning was clear, bring her back. Even if want overwhelmed the numbness, she couldn't bring her back.

Now she sits numb, while all of the survivors sit around in the chaos of someone between life and death. She may have given him the push to the chance, but it's his choice between staying in silence or coming back to the chaotic world as different person.

Why stay when the ones he cared for are gone? Why leave when the one that cares for him the most is still here? Dare to even call it love. The lover of a woman sat beside he's side and begged; she didn't really know what staying meant, he was already changed for better or worse. Staying would just plague him.

The female red head had sadness and pain in her face and anger in her eyes as she looked opon the world. On one side of her was the boy with black hair was lost to the silence as well, lost of someone he thought he knew. While on the other side was a near twin of the girl, who couldn't comprehend why the girl felt this way.

Then there was the girl who has felt death's slap to the face. The man in the bed wasn't her main concern like most in the room, but she understood that he would not be the same.

When the man woke, everything was still stilled in silence, everyone rushed to thoughts on their tongue, but she still couldn't hear. Then the simple question on his lips woke her from the noise.

"Who's Robin?"

Being brought back never left another the same, being pulled back into the noise always had its costs. She never expected one of those costs would be forgetting the reason he died for.


Feray and Quinn walked side by side slowly walking along the streetlights. Quinn felt the constant
feeling of being followed, when she confronted Feray about this, all the woman said it was Vlad waiting for his revenge, typically ends up getting pelted with pies.

Feray guided Quinn to a leveled parking lot elevator. When they got in Quinn had closed her eyes and focused on the buzz of energy around them, it was calming in a way. Though Quinn buzzing like energy herself didn't show a calming tone.

Heart skipping when the door open, un-wanting but having to cross through, she did. Feray either guided or wandered to where she believed her vehicle was. Everything stopped her in her tracks as pairs of footsteps were echoed. Feray stopped a few feet away.

The only noise was breathing and footsteps, those 2 sounds stopped them both in their tracks. Quinn stopped breathing and tried to gasp for air when a sudden wind knocked her down to pavement. Then Feray suddenly had a small metallic blade in hand, 2 attackers already on the ground. Quinn's eyes widen with the sight of blood. The standing attackers where unseen.

Out of nowhere the woman was thrown against a red trunk, indenting the truck. An unidentified woman towering over Feray. Then in the speed of things Vlad came and snapped then ripped the head off the woman, leaving Quinn gasping and stilled at the chaos.

While Vlad helped Feray up, he also looked at the truck and proceeded to comment "guess that makes it up for my eyes." While Feray mumbled about her truck.

Vlad and Feray walked over to Quinn and tried to help her up. When Quinn didn't stand up Feary and Vlad looked at each other. Vlad proceeded to pick Quinn of the ground and carry her to the truck, while Feray looked for her missing keys. After finding her keys she tried to open the truck, she ended up dropping her keys on the pavement. With a sigh she finally picked up the keys and opened the truck.

For awhile Quinn just numbly laid in the back of the truck and listened to the 2 ramble about things Quinn wished she understood. Then realizing that Feray who was driving had been drinking less than an hour ago and Quinn sat up, did the seatbelt, then clutched the seat with mistrust of the vehicle and driver.

Quinn wanted ride to end but she didn't because something socially requiring would happen after.

The truck started to slowly move right and come to a stop. The engine stopped and Quinn being the only one with a seatbelt on, undid a seatbelt. The driver and shotgun got out of the truck, Quinn's decision was to stay in the truck.

The 2 "adults" talked about something for a few minutes and Vlad bid a farewell. Feray opened the passengers' door and made a "get out" gesture. Following said gesture, then following Feray up the stone driveway of the unidentified house. Feray hit the doorbell and looked down at Quinn (wasn't that hard with Quinn nearing the woman's height).

"The lights are off are you sure you should bother who ever is in there?" Asked Quinn. Feray looked Quinn in the eye and pressed the doorbell many times, stopping no where in sight.

Then lights turned on and the door sharply swung open. A tall man with light brown hair in a grey and green stripped robe. "It's 3am" he deadpanned. "Actually it's 2:49" Feray said with a cocky smirk Quinn knew was there but couldn't see.

Feray pushed past him and dragged Quinn into the home. "Yes. Please come in Satan" the man muttered tiredly. "Oh please old man, you should be use to this by now" Feray said while Quinn got to the next level of awkward.

"Dad what's going on?" asked a cracking voice from the top of stairs, there stood a boy with curly ass hair. "Jonas please go to bed before you wake up anyone else" sighed the man. As he said that 2 head popped into view. Who Quinn assumed was the middle child was a boy who looked like a younger and darker version on the man in front of her. Then the youngest was a girl with really fucking long hair for a girl her age.

The man was brought into focus as he let out a pained sigh.

"If you 3 all go to bed now I'll get you all ice cream tomorrow" Feray put in, that quickly got the 3 to leave. Then a door opened and a woman in a large anime shirt requested for ice cream with her eyes still closed and left to go back to bed.

Tiredly the man told them there's a spare mattress in the garage and yawned his way upstairs. Quinn didn't expect this, but couldn't complain from avoiding social interaction.

"Alright kid I'll talk the couch and you'll take the mattress" next thing she knew the woman was passed out on the couch.

Quinn poked the woman to asked where the garage was, but alas she was passed out. So Quinn went though the bathroom and Landry room before finding the garage. When she fell onto of the bed, a wave of thoughts about tomorrow hit.

It'll be awhile before I fall asleep.

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