Chapter 3 : The beginning of the taz

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The taz originated in the Philippines, as you might know. The "Taz" has quite an intresting story of how it devolped along with toz and teez.
You see, the taz originated long after the toz. the toz is always more important, but the taz story is extra special, and great to tell around a campfire.
"Toz teez" was a common phrase among minors and all young ones, but after a while, it seemed incomplete. Almost like a third piece was missing, not yet found.
One day as an old woman was walking to here grand children, she called, "Here comes grandma, here comes grandma". She had a speech problem, so she couldent pronounce certain words.
As she was making her way to her grandkids across the street, a car drove by with its radio playing loud music. It went, "What you gonna when we come for you?"
The song distracted the old woman and she fell. As she fell, she fell on her butt and meaning to yell, " MY TEEZ", with her speech problem she ended up yelling, "MY TAZ".
Everyone's face imedietly shot up. The entire street became silent. Everyone in the stores went out and gathered among the sidewalks to witness the event that will make history.
They stood there in silence, in shock, amazed. One person started clapping. Then two, there, four, and eventually everyone joined in.
The grandkids immediately went inside and took there iPad and made a music video combining the three words into a song. The phrase was finally complete!
As for the grandma, she was left in the road in a pool of blood left to rot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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