Chapter 27- Is that her mate

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(There might be miss spelling)
Violet P.O.V

We got to the pack house in less than 2 minutes.

"He's here" Erica said.
"Who's here?" Liam asked.
"Mate!" I yelled.

Omg this is so exciting. I can't wait till she finds her mate. She's been looking all over the world for him.

Evan P.O.V
I felt a weird feeling. It came out of no where. I ignored it for a while, but then I realized that was the feeling u get when u find ur mate.

I never felt this before, but my family members used to explain the feeling to me.

I suddenly felt myself standing and following a path that made the feeling stronger.

I stopped for a while. What if she don't like me. What if I'm not good enough for her. What am I talking about. She's my mate and she will like me no matter what happens. I kept walking and found myself outside.

I stare right in front of me and I see a girl I didn't recognize, Liam, and Violet.

I immediately realized that she is not a werewolf.  She's a vampire. Her eyes are red. I don't care thought. She is going to be a great mate. I hope.

"Perfect" I said out loud.

I saw Violet smile and Liam gave me a death stare.

"You hurt her in any way I will ducking kill you" I heard Liam say.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"My name is Erica. I am a vampire.  My brother is Liam. I have another sister and my parents are vampire and wolf. Not hybrid though. My mom is a vampire and my dad is a werewolf. I never thought that my mate would be a wolf, but there you are" my mate said.

Violet P.O.V
There are going to be cute couples. I never thought it would be Evan though. Now thinking about it I haven't seen Evan in a while. I wonder where he was.

Liam P.O.V
Ericas mate is Evan. Wow. I never seen that coming. 

I know Evan won't hurt her but I still had to say it.

"If you hurt her in any way I will ducking kill you"I said.

I found myself smiling after I saw how I scared he looked.

Erica P.O.V
He walked up to me took my hand and said "I don't care what you are. I will love and take care of you till the day I die. Oh and by the way my name is Evan and I never knew that Liam had any sisters"

"Wow Liam you have never told anyone about me or Lillian" I said.

"No"Liam answered "sorry"

"It's Oki I guess. I never told anyone about the family either" I told him "I guess it's safer to keep us a secret. I mean we all have the vampire and wolf gene".

After talking for a while we all decided to go to sleep. We made plans for tomorrow I can't wait.

I finally met my mate I got, I got to meet Liam's new mate, and he's letting me stay for a while. Well more like Violet let me stay.

I'm glad to be back. I miss Liam so much.

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