Part-12 The Meeting

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"Excuse Me"
"Can we talk,please?"
"Yes,do I know you"
"Hi,I'm Vedant"
"Sorry,do I know you"
"You might"
"My cousin , she is in your school"
"Sections might differ"
"What's her name?"
"Full name"?
"Niya Verma"
"What a coincidence"
"She is my classmate, my bench partner too"

"I am amazed,coincidents too happen"
And that was the simplest conversation.But behind that conversation I found a "MAN".
"When he called me on that lonely road,I felt like punching him for I first assumed him to be a roadside romeo"
"Dumb me".
I remember that first day.I guess going out for tutions was not only the first thing I experienced that day.Walking on that lonely road with a stranger,the feeling of oneness with that stranger,the feeling of security his words and identity reflected was the first thing I ever experienced.
It was different kind of feeling for a person like me who always has hated the entirety of manly existence.
"No,I wasn't in love"
"It was for the first time I found a "MAN" in the crowd of demons"
"Strange it is,you either need just a moment or even a lifetime isn't enough to know someone"
Our long walks continued until his place.
One day a group of wicked boys  stopped me on the way.I rescued myself anyways but I decided to change my route so I never face them again.
Vedant was with me and saw me change my route and asked the reason.I told him about the incident and so he decided to accompany me for long walks to my place.
"Those walks were sulking the mirage my heart had managed to grave"

In those walks I found infinity
In those walks I found serenity
In those walks I found benevolence
And I found something boundless of this universe
Words were menial to limn

And then....
"His confession......"
"What do I do now"?
A yes?
Or a no?
Is it love or Infatuation?

(To be Continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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