Chapter 21

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I woke up to the birds chirping on a Saturday morning. I read a book and then got ready for the day.

I went to go meet up with Camilla, Connor, Lily, and Gigi to study for finals.

"What's up?" Connor said. "No ones here yet, were early."

"Oh." I said, leaning on his shoulder. I actually fell asleep, but woke up to:

"Aww!" Camilla said sitting next to me.

"Sorry, I'm tired." I yawned.

"As long as you and Connor are happy, I don't have a care in the world." I loved that girl.

After studying, we all went to our own homes. It had been a long day. Bing. I ran for the doorbell.

When I opened the door I saw a complete stranger.

"Hi, can I help you?" I said to the girl.

"Back off of my boyfriend!" She screamed as she punched me. I don't remember a thing after that.


"Where am I?" I looked around at the hospital.

"Oh thank God!" Cried Lily.

"What's my name?" Gigi said slowly.

"She has a memory." Lily said.

"You don't know that!"

"Hi Gigi." I rolled my eyes.

Cam told me the whole story.

The girl who hit me was named Peyton. She was Connors girlfriend in the undecided. He broke it off a few days before he left since she was psycho. When she finally came recently, she went on a rampage to find Connor. Someone told her that he was dating me (true<3), and she found me. She just wants her 'honey boo' back, as she says.

I thought she was joking at first. No way could this be real?

"Why me? I'm finally happy. I've got good friends, a boyfriend, good grades, and she comes along and ruins it." I sighed.

"Sorry not sorry." Said a familiar voice. At least this time it wasn't screaming. "I didn't ruin your entire life, I just payed you back for how you ruined my entire life."

"B-but, no I d-didn't-" and it was gone once again.

I opened my eyes and peeked around to see who was around. Peyton stood outside the door talking to a nurse and Lily and Cam sat around me. Gigi and Connor weren't here. Peyton walked away.

All of a sudden Connor burst into the room.

"Hey guys, I'm not here okay?" He said. "How are you feeling?"

"So-so." I said.

"If you black out again they are going to keep you overnight. If not, then you're home free."

"Gigi left by the way. She couldn't stand to see you in pain." Lily said.

"We're talking about the same Gigi right?" I laughed.

Hours later, they discharged me with a broken arm and some bruises. They said Peyton would be paying the hospital bill if no one knew she did this. I agreed of course.

When you hit rock bottom, you can only go up, right? Wrong.

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