Prologue: Dinosaurs and Lollies- Raeleigh

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Two Years Ago:

"What about the blue one?" I asked pointing to the row of dinosaurs and dragons on the store shelf.

I was trying to convince my little brother, Liam, to choose a present for his friends birthday. Of course, as all little brothers do, he was making it as difficult as possible.

"No, no, no," he complained, and as he did he scrunched his nose up in that way kids do when they're annoyed, "Robbie doesn't like blue, he only likes green!" I rolled my eyes at his tone which suggested that I should know this.

"Yeah Leigh," I heard muttered behind me, and I shot a glare quickly over my shoulder at the immature 13 year old boy standing behind me before turning back to the 8 year old.

"Then get a green dragon," I said starting to get annoyed at my brother for taking so long and wasting such a nice day. I looked over my shoulder at Asher and rolled my eyes. But all he could do was stand there, playing with the chain hanging from around his neck, and smirk looking highly amused. I sighed.

"Okay you ready?" I asked, turning back around to address Liam, and 'surprise, surprise,' he was gone. Que another internal eye roll.

"Well that's just f***ing great," I muttered under my breath."

"What was that?" Ash asked, coming over to me his smirk growing, and he brushed his Sandy blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Shut up," I said, fiddling with the chain around my neck, which reflected the one hanging around his, racking my brains for where my brother could have possibly gone, and coming up with about a million different possibilities.

"Lolly* Isle," Asher stated, a full toothed grin now stretching across his tanned face.

"Really Asher? Now is not the time for food, I need to find Liam, before the world comes to an end," I said the last part dramatically but I really was starting to get worried and it was causing me to start getting irritated at my best friend for ignoring the situation.

"No, stupid, I meant Liam might be there," he started, "he really does love those lollies," he finished jokingly. His bright hazel  eyes dancing in amusement.

"Oh, yeah," I said, brushing my long, brown hair behind my ear, suddenly feeling stupid for not realizing it myself.

"Wow, Rae, you really think highly of me don't you?" he said, trying, and failing to pull off a sad offended look.

"You look kinda dumb doing that ya know," I said laughing in his face.

"Why thank you," he said walking off towards the back of the store, "see you later."

"And where do you think you're going?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, wondering why he was leaving me in this 'desperate' situation.

"Wow you really aren't having a very good day with your brain, are you?" He stated, "I'm going to the Lolly isle of course."

I sprinted off ahead of him, "I know," I called back trying to cover up my mistake, "I, was just buying a head start." I turned my head around, and smirked at the realization dawning over his features, and he started to run. Laughing as he tried to catch up to me.


NZ Vocab: Lolly/Lollies*- Candy


Hi guys,

hope you like the prologue it adds a lot of the characters personality and provides some background in our main characters lives. Picture on the top is of my favorite New Zealand candy bar.
What's you favorite candy bar? Comment down below

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