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(Her outfit. )

Before I could leave Hayley walked right into me.

"Oh what do you want" Missy asked

"You need to come home now"She shouted " Its serious." Missy grabbed my arm " And you" Hayley said pointing to Nas.

"Willow can wait Justin and Tyler can look after her." I said to Missy as we ran to her house

We walked into the Booth house hold to see Nana using an inhaler.

"It must be here somewhere, Are you sure you didn't just loose it." Missy asked.

"No it was your mother she did it. Look 80 quid short."

"What were you doing with 80 quid." Missy asks

"For Bingo." Nana replies "I don't know how the stupid beggar found out about it. I bet she was straight round here as soon as she found out about it. I'm ringing the police."

"No Nana no no. Give us an hour. If we haven't got your money back the we'll go to the police together." Nas said

"What we gonna do." I ask

"Find Missys Mum. Innit"  Nas replied

-------Time Skip---------

"I get that i was out of order with Cory and Alex."

"Too right." Nas and I say

"Fine hate me but I came round to apologise so you can hate me. Nas but I'm sorry, you know forget it."

"Right we can find your Mum then forget about it. And stay out your guy's life."

Suddenly a car behind us beebed. "You girls working tonight." A guy called out. We started to run, up the stairs to Missy's Mum's appartmnt.

"You came. Adam." She called as she dragged Missy, Nas and I followed. "Me daughter came."

"Are you all right." Nas asked.

"Mum" Missy said as her Mum stroked her face 

" Who is this" The man called Adam asked

"These are Missy's best friends in the world. What are wearing?" She said looking at me and Missy

"Mum" Missy said obviously hurt.

"Sit down, sit down. " She said

"Mum you stole Nanas Bingo money" Missy said

"I didn't" She argued

"Mum why did you think i came er to hang out. Give it back!" Missy yelled

"I haven't got owt. Oh are you skint darling. Adam lend her summit."  Simmone said

"No chance" The man said

"It's not a big deal." Simone argued "It's me daughter cant let her starve."  Simmone went to pick up a wallet

"What did I say" Adam yelled

"Get off her." Me and Missy screamed

"Sit down, shut up and get out." Adam shouted " Go. Take jihadi jane and bay slut with you."

"Mum the money" Missy pleaded

" I haven't got owt."

"What am I meant to tell Nana, she said she'd go to the police."

"Leave it." Nas said

"Yeah Missy lets go." I say


"Missy trust me" Nas argues "Come on"

--------Time Skip----------

"I can't believe you robbed him."

"The mans scum." Nas said

"Yeah total trash" I agree

"Yeah but look at you with all that headgear and stuff."

"I just thought that it would make me feel more like myself." Nas said

"But you, you any way without it."

"Yeah Alex is right." Nas didn't speak " Look I know you can hate me because of the whole kissing Cory thing..."

"I kissed him"Nas interrupted " Just trying something."

"Now your not acting like yourself" I say " Whats wrong Nas."

"You don't know who I am." Nas replies

"Oh all right. Your all mysterious now all changed and want nowt to do with us. I get it but if you tell anyone what gone tonight..."

"Missy like i'd tell anyone." We went to lean against the wall

"Seeing Cory staring at Alya like that I'm starting to think he has a thing for hijab, so if you still like Cory."

"I don't like Cory.I don't want a boy."Nas said.

"Ok" Missy said "But like a proper boyfriend like your mum said..."

"I don't want no boy."

"Fine" Missy said

"Don't you get it. I don't want a boy Missy. Ever."

"So what your some big hairy les now?"Nas walked away

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