Welcome To My Life

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CHAPTER ONE: Welcome to the Commandos

Jesus, I cannot imagine it been been 3.5 years since I first transferred to the Commandos, anyways my name is David Mills aka "Dave" I am 27yo I am a proud Australian soldier, I have a long military life ever since 12yo - I started off as a cadet in the Australian Army Cadets before leaving in 2007 holding the rank of a Cadet Under Officer (CUO) - at the age of 18 I graduated from Chisholm Catholic College in 2008 with a passing mark to become an Engineer; the same year I was enlisted to join the Australian Army and I was sent to the 1st Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) from there I was both studying for my Engineering degree and training as a Infantrymen. In 2005 I was promoted to Sergeant in 2008 and I became a Platoon Sergeant (PSGT) for Alpha Platoon during my time with the 1RAR I have been sent to three wars all based in Afghanistan, however it was one day where I was called up by my commander and he requested me to join the Commandos (Australian Special Force Unit) as an officer; I immediately took up the request and transferred to the Commandos, I began 2 years of intense training to become a commando, however I had an extra set of eyes focusing on me, this was to make sure i was trained extra sharp because in the future I knew i would lead men into the world most remote and dangerous area.....

In 2010 I was commissioned as an officer and hold the rank of Lieutenant (LT) my appointment was a Platoon Commander leading up to 10-60 men into combat - I was posted to the 2nd Commando Regiment based in Campbell Barracks in Perth, Western Australia - we shared this base with another higher elite Australian unit called the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR), those guys will sneak into your house undetected and literally kill you with a pencil undetected. My hometown was also in Perth, anyways my life is pretty much like any other person however due to my position in the Army I had to minise any exposure that I am in the Army for security purposes.

Since I am an officer, most of the time I would stay at the Barracks just in case I was immediately called on a task or operation; life as an officer is 75% better than the regular soldiers, we get many privileges and rewards, in exchange to that I am the one that lead men and bring them home alive, I am only granted leave every 1.5 weeks for 3.5 days; which is not an issue because my parents have moved back to Vietnam to be closer with their families and relatives, my brother is also enlisted into the Australian Federal Police and is posted in Sydney so I'm basically the only one in Perth, sometimes it could get seriously bored.

CHAPTER TWO: Alpha Platoon - Bravo Company

Upon being posted to the 2nd Commando Regiment I was given a Platoon to take charge of, I was given command of Alpha Platoon in Bravo Company; I had a total of 25 men, they consist of 2 Sergeants, 1 Corporal & 3 Lance-Corporals and 19 Troopers (Privates)

We each were trained BUD/S Style (Navy SEAL Training) but we add extra spice to it to make us more stronger, each men were qualified in advance infantry & combat and becoming a "ghost" for 1 week or more. Most men in our unit were also trained in combat engineering meaning they handle and defuse explosives, expert in chemical warfare and preform engineering task in a war zone, while the rest of the men train according to their specialist qualifications

Our Platoon was a "expeditionary unit" meaning we can deploy anywhere, anytime in all conditions really quick by Air, Sea or Land we were one of the well-trained personnel in our unit

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