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Within a day, our group was in the next town over. I thought we were quiet enough. If I thought that this would happen, I never would have had us move as fast as we did. 7 kids walking on the side of the road makes an impression but 7 kids running with backpacks makes people concerned, and then they look us up. There we were, smack dab on the front page of the paper,

"Missing: Red Frost, long, dark, reddish hair, dark brown eyes, 5'4", 14 years old

"Missing: Amber Hayes, Hip length orange/red, wavy hair, green eyes, 5'8", 15 years old

If found please contact social services."

So that's when the seven of us ended up back in custody. Well back for me, and Amber, and I think maybe Matt. We later found out that Thomas and Lucy also had a Missing child page as well,

"Missing: Thomas and Lucy Alexis, age 9 twins were last seen with close family friend Sam, though no one has found him under that name; Thomas, brown hair, blue eyes; Lucy, blonde hair, blue eyes"

"Now kids please tell me the truth when I ask you your name." The man said as the seven of us sat across a table. A slight nod from Matt and we all knew we needed to lie. So we went with the names we gave Saundra. "I will ask this once again. None of you know who or where Red Frost, Amber Hays or The Alexis twins are?"

"We don't know who they are, and would like to get on our way," Willow says with a smile that could cut diamond. Which normally would have worked but this man was experienced.

"Now I do not like being lied to. Especially by little girls in ripped blue dresses." he sighs.

"If we tell you the truth will you let us go?" Matt asked.

"Matt we can't-" Apollo was cut off by the man behind the desk.

"We ran away. Our abusive father lives a day's walk back and we are almost to our mothers." Matt told him. The man looked to Apollo for a moment. "He was adopted. Please let us go." he let a tear slip that convinced the hardened man.

"Do you want me to call her?" he suggests.

"No!" we all shouted as he went to look up our names.

"I mean, no, we don't want our father to somehow figure it out." I sigh in the calmest most convincing voice I can summon. (ODP: 10/5/17)

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