3. All Alone And Nowhere To Go

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3. All Alone And Nowhere To Go

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Hans was left on the island. He was clueless as he was not exactly the type of person to go adventuring. His elder brothers used to love to travel, but Hans never shared the same hobby as them.

They used to tell him stories of their latest adventures, how they survived, but Hans never listened. Now, he wished that he did.

He thought about his brothers' love for adventure. "If I were them, what would I do first?" He asked himself. His eyes scanned the island. An idea snapped in his mind, and he begun to search for wood.

There were wooden boards scattered in the deeper parts of the island. Hans thought that the wooden boards used to be a part of a ship. He gathered the boards and set them in one place.

The ex-prince walked around the island some more to find the perfect spot for his shelter. He found a small cave on the island, and decided to make his tiny house there. He went in the cave to make sure there wasn't any danger lurking inside.

He walked back outside. He looked up a tall coconut tree and licked his lips. He hadn't drank or ate for the past few hours. His stomach started rumbling, and he held it. He around to see if there was anything he could use to pluck the coconuts.

There was nothing useful around him, so he decided to climb. Something a prince wouldn't do. He held onto the tree and inhaled. He exhaled and started climbing up.

Finally, he reached the top of the tree. He was about to reach for the coconut when he heard a growl right below him. He looked down and gasped.

A tiger was looking at him like he was dead meat. Hans already thought he was dead meat. A trickle of sweat ran down his forehead. His hands were shaking. He felt like falling.

He held onto the tree for dear life. The tiger started circling around the tree, still looking at Hans. He gulped. The tiger put its paws on the tree, and the tree shook slightly.

Hans grabbed a coconut that was right above him. It was hard to pull it off, but he did it. He looked at the coconut and he felt his stomach grumble again. "Go away!" he yelled, then aimed the coconut at the tiger.

The coconut hit the tiger hard. It growled and ran off.

Hans looked around to see if the animal was hiding any where near, and was relieved when he knew it was gone. He pulled another coconut from the tree and climbed down. He misplaced his leg, and fell to the ground with a loud thud. His clothes were covered in sand, and he sighed.

He stood up and brushed the sand off his clothes. He looked around and saw that night was quickly falling. He went in the cave and tried to find ways to open the coconut. "If only I still had my sword," he said to himself.

Hans walked deeper in the cave and sat down at the end. He leaned against the wall and shut his eyes, hoping that all of this was just a nightmare.

But it wasn't.

A flash of lightning appeared outside the cave. Hans's eyes shot open in shock. A shiver ran down his spine. He bought his legs up to his chest and hugged them tight. He wished he had just stayed in the Southern Isles and not go to Arendelle.

Rain started to fall from the sky. The sound of thunder boomed everywhere.

Just when he thought he was going to sleep, he thought of the queen he tried to murder. How he fell for her and not Anna in the first place.

He felt stupid. He shouldn't have married Anna. He shouldn't have fell for Elsa. He shouldn't have attempted to kill the sisters. He shut his eyes in hope to just go to sleep.

"Hans?" said a voice. Hans felt somebody shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw his mother. She had a smile on her face.

He thought this was surreal. The queen died when he was just a young boy.

Hans looked around the area. He was back at the Southern Isles, in the castle. He looked back at his mother. "Hans, you're awake. Come, join us for brunch." His mother said.

He stood, but felt like he was not in control. He trailed behind his mother like a lost puppy. He wanted to talk to her, but he couldn't move his mouth. It stayed shut.

They walked towards the dining room. His whole family was there. His father, his aunts, his uncles and all his twelve brothers. They saw him and nodded at him at the same time, which creeped him out a lot.

Hans turned to his mother. "Why is our big family gathered here?" he asked her. She turned her head towards him, and stared at him for what seemed like an eternity.

All of a sudden, her face started to boil. She was moaning in pain. Hans let out a gasp and backed away from her. He looked at the rest of his family. Some of his family members looked at him with angry looks on their faces. Some were crying. Some had blank looks on their faces.

His father's face also was boiling. The king used his hands to cover his eyes while groaning. Hans was terrified.

It all came back to him in a snap.

This was how his parents had died. They sacrificed themselves just to save Hans. He was just a young boy when they did. He didn't understand before...

He woke up screaming. The poor demoted prince. Sweat trickled down his forehead. He found himself sprawled on the floor.

It was already a new day and he was looking forward to improve his survival skills. He walked out the cave, going straight to the sea. He splashed some water on his face so he could feel fresh. He let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Never again." He whispered to the thought of his deceased parents. "Never. Again."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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