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The Seanchan have always terrified me. Even before I knew I could hold the power. Their wild beats and chained women. It is heart and gut wrenching. 

They seem even more monstrous now that I know I could wear those chains. It is said that Egwene Sedai, once Amyrlin Seat, once wore those, but somehow escaped. Escaped and managed to face her captors, somehow putting aside her hate to work with them for the good of the White Tower. I wish I could be that brave and dedicated. 

Yet, as horrible as the Seanchan are, I also secretly wish to know more. Why do they think all who can weave need to be controlled? How do those who control the leashed justify the fact they can control, but do not need to be controlled, when they themselves can weave? Who was the first to be leashed? Where did leashes first come from?

I fear I will never know these answers. Part of me is grateful, for I am not sure I wish to know them. 

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