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This is an old note I wrote to a fellow novice. I attached it to the journal.

There. Are. So. Many. Weaves. Who knew there were so many? With so many adaptable and various uses! Heating things and creating wind and phantom limbs. These are just those that novices learn! How much more I will know when I'm accepted! And when I'm an Aes Sedai. I've heard rumors different Ajah's have secret weaves. A true shame I will never know all of them, I can't be in all the Ajahs. Unless of course, I become Amyrlin, who is of all and of none. Perhaps she knows all of them? Though that doesn't seem to be the case. I wonder if the Amyrlin knows any secret weaves only for her station to know. Or her Keeper. THE BLACK TOWER! They must have secret weaves too!!!

If only knowledge was open for everyone. I would pursue this further, but many sisters would be offended. I don't wish to step on many toes while here. I'm not a fan of drama and political games. I may not be able to be neutral forever, but as a novice, I can hide behind my silence without question.

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