Something Old and Something New

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Zendaya's POV

After hanging up with (Y/N) I go over to the guys room where we a meet for breakfast. I come in the room, Jacob and Harry are laughing at memes Sam sent, Tom is cuddling with Tess while reading over the schedule for the day, and Harrison is still sound asleep.

"Morning guys."

"Morning Z," they almost say in unison.

"So I just got off the phone with (YN)."

"Who is she again?" Jacob asks.

"Come on Jacob she talks about her all the time." Harry replies.

"So I was thinking, while we're here in New York it would be great to go see her and for you guys to meet her. So we're gonna meet her tonight at 7 to go see a show."

"That sounds great," Tom finally comments, "it's not going to be awkward or anything right? I mean she's not gonna freak out or anything is she?"

"Doubt it, she got to meet the original cast of Hamilton, Great Comet, and got to see the 2017 Tony awards live, I think she knows how to handle herself around celebrities. Plus she came and visited me when I was filming my last movie and I swear Zac Efron was trying to steal her from me."

"Wait," Harrison said finally waking up, "so you took your childhood friend to meet Zac but not your friends from Spider-Man, rude."

The rest of the morning we talked and ate breakfast. I'm actually really looking forward to the gang meeting (Y/N) because I really think she'll fit in well, and with me knowing her my whole life it's only fair I introduce them to her.

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