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i walk

up to

his apartment

and open

the door

with my

key. as

soon as

i do,

i notice

rose petals

on the

floor in

a path.

i follow

them into

the main

room and

i see yoongi

in the

middle of

it all.

hes standing

next to

his easel

that ive

been banned

from since

we've been

together, and

he removes

the cover.

and i

gasp. its

a full

watercolor painting

of me.

in color.

and he

didnt miss

a thing.

"its perfect,

yoongi." i

get out

between my

tears. "i

wanted to

make this

kind of

romantic, thats

why i

asked you

to sleep

in your

aprtment instead

of mine

tonight, so

i could

set everything

up." i

laugh at

that. he

really planned

this whole

thing out.

"oh," he

starts, "and

i didnt

forget your

pink colored

cheeks this

time. just

like i

promised." im

crying even

more now.

"i love

you, yoongi,

i really

do." he

responds with,

"i love

you, too,

hoseok. all

of your

perfections included.

especially your

rouge cheeks."

yes, this is the final chapter im sorry ! i really hope u enjoyed this though and thank u for reading !

-xo rae

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