9. Probably going to end badly...

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"If Plan 'A' doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 other letters. Stay cool."

"You're late!" Ned hissed accusatorily as Peter caught up to him in the hallway - having missed History altogether. "Yeah, but I'm here!" Peter observed sheepishly, shrugging.

"Peter, there you are!" Peter flinched as another voice accosted his senses. He spun to see his friend Michele - who he recently learned went by MJ strangely - walk over to him. "You missed decathalon yesterday. Now that I'm Captain I have to keep track of you." She explained, internally adding the fact that she already had been, but wasn't ready to devulge that.

"Well, uh, I had some... complications with and errand I was doing for Mr. Stark." Peter explained poorly, rubbing the back of his neck. An errand I should really be focusing on, instead of wasting my time here. He chided himself, but knew he would never hear the end of it from Ned or MJ if he missed two whole days of school.

MJ gave him the side-eye before shrugging. "Whatever. Come on, we have gym." She announced, turning and shuffling her backpack higher on her shoulder. Peter groaned - gym was his least favorite class. "Uh, right, I just have to get my change of clothes. Ned?" Peter grabbed his friend, and MJ quirked and eyebrow. "And I thought it was girls that went in pairs everywhere." She commented dryly before walking to class alone.

"Did you get it?!" Ned asked excitedly, leaning over Peter's shoulder as he grabbed his gym strip. "Yeah, I actually did." Peter remarked giddily, showing Ned the glowing mechanism in his bag. "So... what are you going to do with it?"

"We have shop after gym, where I'll work it into my web shooters. Somehow." Peter sighed, putting the reactor core safely at the bottom of his organized locker. "Dude, school must seem so boring." Ned chuckled as they headed to the gymnasium.

"Pretty much." Peter laughed. "But it's kind of mandatory." He sighed, thinking of some other things in his personal life that needed much more work - his relationship with his Aunt May, for instance.

"Right. Well, we should actually be going to gym then." Ned chuckled and Peter nodded, hesitant to close his locker and leave the core unguarded. In the end, he knew he had to, and shut the metal container following his friend to class.


"Still, you manage to resist me." Loki hissed, glaring at his new 'toys'. The Avengers lined up in front of him, one happened to constantly cause him trouble. He looked at Vision who stalked over to Mr. Stark. He put a hand on the billionare's chest, and the man began to shake.

"Who. Is. Spiderman?" Loki hissed, and Tony's eyes started to glow a fierce yellow-blue. Finally, Loki threw his hands up in the air. "Fine, resist me!" He yelled his frustrations at the ceiling. "Did you manage to get anything out of him? A location? An image? Anything?!" Loki hissed at Vision who nodded solemly.

"An image... of a high school... Midtown High." Vision explained and Loki grinned. "He must work there." He decided, rubbing his chin. "And, not an exact age, but an idea. He is quite young." Vision finished but Loki waved a hand in the air.

"No high schooler is strong enough to be a superhero, let alone take on all the Avengers and win. He must be a new teacher." Loki insisted.

He had no idea how wrong he was.


"I. Hate. Gym!" Peter hissed under his breath as he jogged in a group of sweaty, unhappy teenagers. He could have blown past them, lapped them even. That very fact made him hate gym. As much as he could excel, he couldn't, it was to revealing.

The nerdy Peter Parker couldn't just suddenly beat Flash Thompson in a fistfight, excel at gym, or suddenly join a sports team. Nothing changed about the nerdy Peter Parker.

Speaking of Flash Thompson, he ran up beside Peter. "Hey, Puny Parker!" (A/N yes, I know his nickname is much worse in the movie but I don't really want to write that so I'm using this instead. Sorry guys!) Flash chuckled, matching Peter's slack pace.

"Hey, Flash." Peter growled, trying to put some exhaustion in his voice. "Don't fall!" Flash joked, sticking a foot out in front of Peter. Of course, his sense had blared and warned him of the attack, but he forced himself not to move out of the way but instead stumbled and roll before getting up shakily.

"See you, Puny!" Flash tossed over his shoulder, continuing on. Peter dusted off his knees and fell back into the too-easy jog, when suddenly MJ was jogging beside him. Her wild curls were pulled back in a ponytail, though it was still untamed and messy. She looked over at Peter in confusion, since a sheen of sweat could be seen on everyone's faces - including her own - but not Peter Parker's.

"You don't seem to be exerting yourself." She noted, glancing up at the hot spring-almost-summer sun. "I-I don't?" Peter stuttered, his ears turning red. MJ had suspected for months that he was hiding something, but had never really come close to figuring out what. He deflected easily, and disarmed with an adorable nerdy smile...

Nope, don't even go there. Peter Parker was her friend.

"Whatever." She scoffed, rebellious thoughts bouncing around in her head. For a nerd, he was strangely built, showing off his muscles in the school-sanctioned gym strip.

MJ quickly took off in front of him, ignoring her heaving lungs and tired muscles. She needed to get away from the boy she refused to like.

Peter slowed down to jog with Ned, who was at the back of the pack. "So, the core, how are we going to..." Peter was about to ask, when he nearly tripped on untied shoelaces.

"Smooth spidey!" Ned whisper-yelled, chuckling as he jogged away from his friend. "Haha, thanks!" Peter called, kneeling to do up his shoe. Suddenly, his spidey-sense went haywire.

"Peter!" Peter heard MJ and Ned cry, and he looked up to see the Avengers heading straight for him. Well, for the field right behind him.

Peter's day just got a whole lot worse.

I'm so tired. I got stung by a bee yesterday, and now my foot is swollen and sore.
oh well, woe is me with my first world problems LOL
Hope you liked the chappie!


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