Broken Guitar (Frank Iero x reader)

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(This suggestion is from good_vibes_12, I went with Frank since I just finished my Gerard fic so Imma try something new)

It was during the Three Cheers tour, it was the last show until the tour was over. You went on the tour with them since you were pretty good friends with Frank and Mikey.

Gerard was doing vocal warm-ups, while Frank, Mikey, and Ray were tuning their guitars. You walked over to the trio of guitar players.

"Hey guys," You greeted, waving your hand at the three. "Hey." Frank responded, continuing to tune his guitar. "That strap seems a little worn out, Frank." You pointed out.

"It'll be fine. This thing's lasted through some pretty rough times." He laughed, lightly patting his guitar. "Alright, whatever you say." You smiled.

"Did Gee get you front row seats?" Mikey asked, setting his guitar down. "Actually, I'm gonna stay backstage. I don't wanna get mauled by 12 year old fangirls." You laughed.

"Aww really? Now you can't get splashed with my sweat up front." Frank laughed. "I'm sure your fans need it more." You smiled.

"Yeah Frank, you can sell your show sweat on Ebay." Mikey chuckled. "If I need some extra bucks, I'll think about it." Frank smiled, tightening the worn elastic strap on his shoulder.

"Comon guys, we gotta go." Gerard said. "Make sure nobody dies back here, Kay (Y/N)?" He smiled. "Only if it's not me who's doing the killing." You laughed.

Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Bob gathered their stuff, and left to go on stage. You could hear all the young screams coming from the audience as they walked onto the stage.

Gerard began to sing, and the show went pretty well.

Until they started playing Hang Em' High.

Frank's normal energetic spirit on stage became a bit too much, when Frank began to jump and spin around whilst playing his guitar. He usually did things like this, but, his strap was pretty worn out.

While doing a rift, the worn strap broke, and his guitar flew into the crowd. He gasped in shock as he tried to reach out and grab it but the fans had already gotten a hold of it.

By the time the guards could retrieve the guitar, all the strings were broke, and the neck of the guitar was completely snapped in half.

You watched from the very corner of the stage, while Frank sat at the edge of the stage, sulking to himself. This was probably the most sad you had ever seen Frank.

He was one of your best friends; you felt extremely bad. You wanted to go over and help him. But you were afraid of the fans throwing insults at you.

After a few minutes of silently watching Frank sulk, you finally gathered the courage to walk on stage and help.

You tried not to draw that much attention towards you, but of course, it didn't work. The band kept playing, but the fans were shouting at you.

They didn't seem to be angry; they just wanted to know who you were. Gerard had noticed you on stage, and he didn't seem to mind. All he did was glance over every once in a while.

"Frank...?" You muttered, laying a hand on his shoulder. He jumped at the sudden presence, and looked over at you. "Oh, it's just you. I didn't see you walk over here." He sighed.

"You alright?" You asked. You knew it was a stupid question, but you had to ask anyway. "Well, no. They completely destroyed my favorite guitar in the middle of a show." He sulked.

"You were right. The strap was old. This is all my fault." Frank continued, laying his head into his hands. "Its not your fault, you didn't know this would happen." You muttered.

"But if I listened to you this shit probably wouldn't of happened!" Frank cried. "No,no, don't think like that. It'll be okay. I'll get you a replacement." You said, giving a small smile.

Frank couldn't help but smile back. You stood up, and reached out your hand for him. "Thanks." Frank smiled, pulling himself up.

"You're actually gonna get a replacement for me?" Frank asked. "Well yeah." You shrugged. "You don't have to do that." He muttered. "Its okay, you seemed really upset about your guitar, I feel like I should get you a new one." You smiled.

"No, it's fi-" "I'm buying you a guitar." You said firmly. "Alright, alright." Frank laughed. "Hey, there's been something I've kinda been wanting to talk about." Frank whispered, switching the conversation.

"Yeah? What is it?" You asked. "This might not be the best setting, but it doesn't matter at this point." Frank sighed. "So, this'll probably end awfully, but..." Frank muttered, lowering his head slowly.

Gerard had noticed you two talking, and silenced the music. You didn't exactly notice due to the loud crowd. Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob, and all the fans' eyes were on you. But you somehow didn't notice.

"Frank...?" You asked. Before you could do anything, Frank quickly lifted his head up and leaned in towards you. You barley had any time to react, as Frank placed his lips on yours.

Your eyes stood wide in shock, then you slowly closed them and kissed back. Frank pulled away, and whispered in a soft, sweet tone;

"I love you."

But of course, Frank had forgotten that his mic was on.q

The band and crowd was in awe. As were you. "Oh shit that was adorable." Gerard yelled to the crowd. You two jumped in surprise and turned to face him.

"Why hello sunshines. Back from lovey dovey town?~" He taunted. The crowd cheered loudly. Frank's face turned completely red, but due to the dim lighting, nobody could see it that well, but you certainly could.

"I- It was just-" "Awww comon that was cute. Don't hide anything. That was fucking adorable, right guys??" Gerard yelled to the crowd.

The crowd cheered loudly as a response. "Great, now that we all have that settled, we can keep playing. Sorry about that, that was just too great to pass up." Gerard laughed, before continuing to play 'Its Not a Fashion Statement, it's a Deathwish'.

After the show ended, you and Frank sat in the tour bus while everyone else was relaxing outside. "You never responded." Frank said, after a long, awkward silence. "Huh?" You asked, turning to face him.

"I...I kissed you. You didn't really respond to that." He muttered. "Sorry, Gerard kinda cut me off." You smiled. "So, what's your answer? Well, not answer, more of a response to an action I pulle-"

Before he could finish his rambling, you pulled him closer by his collar, and pressed lips with him. He seemed shocked. You pulled away, and smiled.

"I love you too."

(I hope I did this right lol, I've never really done anything like this


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